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SOC134: Social Movements


Formatting: Approximately 4-5 pages, double-spaced. Include a bibliography at the end of the paper, listing the references (including readings and lectures) you cited.


In this class, you will be writing a review of both seasons of the podcasts Bundyville and Timber Wars.

Your task is to review both podcasts, explain how it relates to sociological research on social movements, and draw on course readings throughout your paper. Your review should look like this.

1. Introduction: Here, you will introduce both podcasts and explain what they are generally about. (Approximately 1 paragraph)

2. Describe the key findings or takeaways of the both podcasts. What happens? What are the main points? Provide specific examples from the podcast to make your point. (Approximately 1 page)

3. Now, I want you to connect the podcast to course materials. In this section of the paper, I want you to first make connections between course readings and the podcasts. Use the readings to discuss/explain elements from the podcasts. So, you might use Seidman to discuss the environmentalists in Timber Wars, for example. I want you to think about how any of the terms and concepts we learned about in class can be used to explain what happened in each of these podcasts.

a. Then, I want you to discuss whether or not the groups described in Bundyville and the loggers/logging industry in Timber Wars constitute social movements? Why or why not?

b. (This section should be approximately 2 pages)

4. Conclusion: Briefly discuss your opinion on the podcasts. Did you like them? Did you find them convincing? Why or why not? Do you have any criticisms? (Approximately 1-2 paragraphs)

This review should be a critical essay on both of these podcasts. The essay should demonstrate that you have completed the required reading for class, listened to both podcasts, and that you have thoughtfully considered the main points, argument, and contributions of the work. The essay should be well-written and organized, and it should utilize evidence from both podcasts to support your summary and analysis of the research. In this assignment, you should be explain how this podcast can be understood within the sociology of social movements literature more generally, requiring you to cite at least three readings, drawing connections to theories, terms, and ideas we have considered in class.

Grading Rubric

0-1 points

4-5 point

6-7 points


Student does not describe central questions/main ideas.

Student poorly describes the the podcast

Student adequately describes the questions in their well-written introduction.

0-1 points

4-5 points

6-7 points


Student does not describe the findings in any detail and does not use any examples.

Student describes the findings generally, but does not use examples from the text or talk in specifics. Just provides a summary.

Student demonstrates a clear understanding of the main findings and selects excellent examples from the podcast.

0-2 points

4-7 points

9-10 points


Student does not connect to course materials or makes superficial connections.

Student makes some good connections but does not go very in-depth or the connections are just made to lecture materials and not readings. This portion of the paper is brief.

This is the bulk of the paper. Student makes thoughtful, in-depth connections to other readings.

0-2 points

4-7 points

9-10 points


The paper has little logical organization at all. Ideas and evidence seem random.

The paper has some organization, but presents ideas in an illogical order (or fails to explain the logic). Paper reads like a tour of the podcasts, with little to no connection.

The organization of the paper is setup to highlight the main point(s) of the argument, providing useful evidence at logical points in the paper and in a logical progression.

0-2 points

4-7 points

9-10 points

Social Movement

Student does not address the question posed in the prompt: do the Bundys and the loggers constitute a social movement

Student answers this question, but does not offer much evidence.

0-1 point

2-3 points

4-5 points


Uses incorrect grammar and syntax consistently, awkwardly worded sentences throughout. No format to the paper whatsoever.

Uses few grammatical and syntactical errors and/or few awkwardly worded sentences.

Well written with style, no misspellings, grammatical errors are rare. Awkwardly worded sentences are completely absent.

Total: 50 points

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