A global supply chain involves various departments within a firm and external partners to manage the endtoend processes relating to selling the firm’s products, including
sourcing, distribution, transportation, warehousing, sales, and customer service. The technology used to connect people and processes is critical to operating a successful
supply chain. Supply chains are complex and therefore subject to problems. Those managing the operations need to have sound strategies in place and reassess those
strategies regularly to ensure that the supply chain performs effectively.
Use this template to complete the assignment: Unit 4 Template.
For this assignment, complete the following:
The introduction should introduce the reader to complex supply chains, their potential problems, and strategies for reassessing strategies that ensure that the supply
chain performs effectively.
Create a flow chart to illustrate the product flow in the supply chain. For instructions on how to create a flow chart, review this resource.
Prepare an analysis comparing how each of the provided strategies might be used to resolve the supply chain problem, including how the company should use the
provided tools and processes to implement the strategy, explaining how implementing the strategy will resolve the supply chain problem.
Write an analysis identifying which strategy should be implemented to resolve the partner’s problem.
Describe how the strategy should be implemented with supporting processes and tools.
How does the strategy resolve the problem (e.g., improves which aspects of performance, reduces or eliminates which impacts and how, and so on)?
The conclusion should summarize the strategies in place for reassessing strategies, ensuring that the supply chain is performing effectively.
Sample Solution