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Timbers, V., & Yancey, G. (2021). A Christian trans-affirming perspective on changes to the patient and affordable care act. Social Work & Christianity, 48(2), 125–136.

Vela, M. B., Erondu, A. I., Smith, N. A., Peek, M. E., Woodruff, J. N., & Chin, M. H. (2022). Eliminating explicit and implicit biases in health care: Evidence and research needs. Annual Review of Public Health, 43(1), 477–501.

Veronica Montemayor- In 200 Words

May 19, 2023, 5:51 PM

Saleem & Khan (2023) noted that despite many advancements in the domain of cancer care and growing awareness regarding cancer, it is still one of the leading causes of death around the world. The likelihood of physical disability, the threat of losing relationships, the fear of recurrence, and concerns about life and death are the challenges cancer diagnosis and treatment pose to a patient (Saleem & Khan, 2023). The authors also noted that with all these predicaments, immigrants and their families coping with cancer appear to be more prone to have limited access or utilization of available cancer resources and, in turn, develop psychosocial issues. Immigrants come to our country with the belief of having a better life and living the American dream, and this also includes healthcare coverage. Such help would only be available to non-U.S. citizens or legal residents under severe and particular circumstances. Most sadly is the fact that even U.S. citizens to this day do not have healthcare coverage.

Perehudoff et al. (2019) noted that universal access to essential medicines is a crucial component of the right to health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), moreover, public policy in many countries does not consistently recognize essential medicines as essential public goods nor is medicines accessibility seen as part of the progressive realization of the right to health. As human beings, we may project implicit basis but must recognize them immediately and correct such thoughts. The Christian Worldview reminds us that the Lord guides the work we do, and we must treat others the way we would want to be treated, regardless of their beliefs or their healthcare condition. The aging population has become vulnerable as they are living longer with healthcare comorbidities, thus making them a higher risk when they are getting healthcare coverage or renewing their coverage; this no doubly increases their monthly premium. This is a shame as the literature shows this population struggles with their way of living and sometimes has to choose between medications or bills. Living by the Christian Worldview values will help me eliminate bias from my DPI project as I will advocate for fairness and nonjudgmental processes. It is harder to remember God's word and live as he wants us to; however, we may help by reminding others of such. As we advance in our profession, we must continue to speak on the values of helping others and why we decided on the healthcare path.


Perehudoff, S. K., Alexandrov, N. V., & Hogerzeil, H. V. (2019). The right to health as the basis for universal health coverage: A cross-national analysis of national medicines policies of 71 countries.  PLoS ONE14(6), 1–15. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215577

Saleem, M., & Khan, Z. (2023). Cancer and immigrants: Same care, different approach.  Professional Medical Journal30(4), 424–431. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2023.30.04.7338

Bonnie Flores- In 200 Words

May 19, 2023, 5:58 PM

The demographic landscape across the United States is widely diverse, which leads to great discussions on various perspectives. Culturally, this is wonderful; however, this viewpoint is not shared by all. Explicit biases (conscious thoughts) continue to exist, which increases discrimination, and negative thoughts and attitudes towards minority populations, women, those living with food and housing insecurity, and gender differences, to name a few (Vela et al., 2022). Over the past few decades’ awareness has been raised about the detrimental impact of bias and discrimination; however, it continues to pervade our society (Vela et al., 2022). While it may not be as overt as in years past, implicit bias (unconscious thoughts) creeps in and negatively impacts the care provided to patients (Vela et al., 2022). Implicit bias can impede the care that we administer, thus leading to the potentiation of health disparities.

As doctoral learners, we need to be aware of any biases we may have by performing a bias assessment. This is a great exercise that brings to the forefront any biases that we may be unaware of so we can make an effort to overcome them and treat all people with the care and respect they deserve.  This is essential in our current roles and will become more important when we step into the doctoral leader role during our project education roll-out, implementation, and data collection. A Christian worldview helps nurses understand the bigger picture of what God has intended for all people, to live in peace and harmony; we are all created in His image and, as such, should all be afforded equal care, love, dignity, and respect, regardless of heritage, skin color, or religion. As nurses, we have the capacity to improve the quality of patient’s lives with the care that we render. Delivering care with a Christian mindset helps us to see people as Jesus does, worthy of love and forgiveness; people are suffering, and we can heal them with acts of kindness (Lathrop, 2021). We can lead by example and overcome any biases that may be lurking in our unconscious by cultivating a spirit of empathy and understanding for all patients, thus, leading to a systemic dismantling of implicit bias in the healthcare field. To eradicate implicit bias in our direct practice improvement (DPI) project, we will need to look objectively at the data collected and make a conscious effort to remove any biases. Additionally, we can become more educated and well-versed in diversity, equity, and inclusion. The American Nurses Association posted a new webinar today to help shed light on this essential topic. I will be watching it over the weekend, and I think it may be vital for all nurse leaders.


Lathrop, B. (2021). When healthcare isn't enough: A Christian response to social determinants of health.  Journal of Christian Nursing38(1), 16-23. https://doi.org/10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000784

Vela, M. B., Erondu, A. I., Smith, N. A., Peek, M. E., Woodruff, J. N., & Chin, M. H. (2022). Eliminating explicit and implicit biases in health care: evidence and research needs.  Annual review of public health43, 477-501.

Professor Amy Salgado- In 200 Words

What type of IRB approval do you need when researching the Vulnerable population

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