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This paper will discuss in one or two sentences tell us what topic your paper will discuss, be specific. This is of significance because one or two sentences convince us that this topic is important. In order to critically examine this problem, I will engage with the relevant literature about the topic. I will utilize the title of the article and name of the author you plan to use, as this article helps us understand in a few sentences tell us what ideas from this article are helpful for your essay. You don’t need to tell us about all the ideas in the article, just the ones that are useful for your topic. In addition, name another article you plan to use and repeat the same process. Lastly, name a third article you plan to use and repeat the same process from before. By drawing together these concepts, this paper will analyze the way in which you tell us in clear and simple language what you plan to analyze.

Submit an abstract that explores one of the prompts below. In your abstract you might want to provide a preliminary argument that explores the prompt of choice.

Please identify which modality (paper or presentation) you intend to submit your final assignment as, a paper or recorded presentation.

– The abstract should be 500-600 words.

– Engage with and cite at least three readings from the course.

Due by 4/11.


A. Identify two Latinx sub-groups* and point to specific contemporary or historical situations that demonstrate the ways in which these particular sub-groups have had similar and/or distinct experiences in the United States.

Highlight the ways in which two or more of the themes from this class help us analyze these situations.

*sub-groups could include, but are not limited to, national, ethnoracial, linguistic, and gendered distinctions.

A. Paper

Your paper must be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and have one-inch margins on all sides.

It should be roughly 1000 to 1500 words ( 4-5 double-spaced pages); include a word count at the end of your paper.

It should also include a title, bibliography, and page numbers.

Include and utilize at least 3 readings discussed in class as well as any other sources you use.

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