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Northern Kentucky University

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

DNP 896 Rubric Program Journal Choice Assignment


Possible Points

Points Earned

Introduce the journal ( name) and briefly describe the audience of the journal– one paragraph  


Includes the name of the journal and summarizes the intended audience of the journal.

9-10 points

Description of the journal audience lacks detail or name of the journal is missing

1- 8 points

Missing the name of the journal and the summary information about the audience.

0 points

Summarize the author guidelines –include topics such as:

· journal format,

· page limit,

· required sections for the article,

· length of abstract,

· key words,

· other pertinent information.

· This should be no more than 2 paragraphs. 

· Include a copy or link to the guidelines.

· Also include a sample article of a similar type as your own project. 


Summarizes and includes all of the required elements; Uploads or shares link to journal author guidelines; Uploads article from the chosen journal similar to own project.

15 points

Summary lacks detail; missing either the link to the guidelines or the sample article or the sample article is not appropriate.

1- 14 points

The summary, author guidelines, and sample article is missing.

0 points



Reviewed and revised February March 2021

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