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5/18/23, 7:28 PM Global Issue Problem Description Scoring Guide

https://courserooma.capella.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/NURS-FPX/NURS-FPX8014/220700/Scoring_Guides/a02_scoring_guide.html 1/2

Global Issue Problem Description Scoring Guide


Analyze aninternational healthissue in regard to itseffect on individuals,communities, andpopulations.

Does not identify aninternational healthissue in regard to itseffect on individuals,communities, andpopulations.

Identifies but does notanalyze aninternational healthissue in regard to itseffect on individuals,communities, andpopulations.

Analyzes aninternational healthissue in regard to itseffect on individuals,communities, andpopulations.

Analyzes an internationalhealth issue in regard toits effect on individuals,communities, andpopulations; and predictssocial or politicalramifications of healthissue if not addressed.

Analyze dataregarding thesocioeconomic,political, andcultural influencesthat affect the globalhealth issue.

Does not analyzedata regarding thesocioeconomic,political, and culturalinfluences that affectthe global healthissue.

Analyzes dataregarding thesocioeconomic,political, and culturalinfluences but doesnot make clearconnection to effecton specified globalhealth issue.

Analyzes dataregarding thesocioeconomic,political, and culturalinfluences that affectthe global healthissue.

Analyzes data regardingthe socioeconomic,political, and culturalinfluences that affect theglobal health issue, andpredicts how futurechanges will increase ordecrease these effects onthe global health issue.

Evaluate strategiesthat have been usedhistorically toaddress the globalhealth issue.

Does not identifystrategies that havebeen usedhistorically toaddress the globalhealth issue.

Identifies but does notevaluate strategiesthat have been usedhistorically to addressthe global healthissue.

Evaluates strategiesthat have been usedhistorically toaddress the globalhealth issue.

Evaluates strategies thathave been usedhistorically to address theglobal health issue andevaluates the currentprospects and predictsfuture success, withsupport from literature.

Develop aneducationalresource or projectproposal focused ondriving evidence-basedimprovementsrelated to chosenhealth issue.

Does not explain aneducationalresource or projectproposal focused ondriving evidence-basedimprovementsrelated to chosenhealth issue.

Explains, but does notfully develop, aneducational resourceor project proposalfocused on drivingevidence-basedimprovements relatedto chosen healthissue.

Develops aneducationalresource or projectproposal focused ondriving evidence-basedimprovementsrelated to chosenhealth issue.

Develops an educationalresource or projectproposal focused ondriving evidence-basedimprovements related tochosen health issue.Notes relevantassumptions that weremade during thedevelopment.

Summarize thepracticumexperience ofpresenting a projectproposal oreducationalresource to arelevant publichealth officer, or at achapter meeting of arelevant healthorganization.

Does not describethe project proposalor educationalresource.

Describes the projectproposal oreducational resource,but fails to addressexperiences inpresenting or indicatethe relevant publichealth officer, orhealth organizationthat was theaudience.

Summarizes theexperience ofpresenting a projectproposal oreducationalresource to arelevant publichealth officer, or at achapter meeting of arelevant healthorganization.

Summarizes theexperience of presentinga project proposal oreducational resource to arelevant public healthofficer, or at a chaptermeeting of a relevanthealth organization.Notes areas of learningor growth that occurredas a result of theexperience.

Convey purpose, inan appropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,

Does not conveypurpose in anappropriate tone andstyle. Does notincorporatesupporting evidencenor adhere to

Conveys purpose, inan appropriate tone orstyle. Clear, effectivecommunication isinhibited byinsufficient supportingevidence and/or

Conveys purpose, inan appropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,

Conveys clear purpose,in a tone and style well-suited to the intendedaudience. Supportsassertions, arguments,and conclusions withrelevant, credible, and

5/18/23, 7:28 PM Global Issue Problem Description Scoring Guide

https://courserooma.capella.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/NURS-FPX/NURS-FPX8014/220700/Scoring_Guides/a02_scoring_guide.html 2/2


organizational,professional, orscholarly writingstandards.

minimal adherence toorganizational,professional, orscholarly writingstandards.

professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

convincing evidence.Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards, including APAstyle and formatting.

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