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5/18/23, 7:20 PM Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Scoring Guide

https://courserooma.capella.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/NURS-FPX/NURS-FPX8014/220700/Scoring_Guides/a01_scoring_guide.html 1/2

Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Scoring Guide


Differentiate publichealth NGOs fromgovernmental publichealthorganizations.

Does notdifferentiate publichealth NGOs fromgovernmental publichealthorganizations.

Differentiates publichealth NGOs fromgovernmental publichealth organizations,but the comparisonsare not well defined orsupported sufficiently.

Differentiates publichealth NGOs fromgovernmentalpublic healthorganizations.

Differentiates public healthNGOs from governmentalpublic healthorganizations andprovides specificexamples that show acomprehensive and in-depth understanding ofboth types oforganizations

Explain theadvantages publichealth NGOs haveover government-sponsoredprograms.

Does not identifythe advantagespublic health NGOshave overgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Identifies but does notexplain theadvantages publichealth NGOs haveover government-sponsored programs.

Explains theadvantages publichealth NGOs haveover government-sponsoredprograms.

Explains and evaluatesthe advantages publichealth NGOs have overgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Summarize thechallenges publichealth NGOs have incomparison withgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Does notsummarize thechallenges publichealth NGOs havein comparison withgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Provides a cursorysummary of thechallenges publichealth NGOs have incomparison withgovernment-sponsored programs.

Summarizes thechallenges publichealth NGOs havein comparison withgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Summarizes andevaluates the challengespublic health NGOs havein comparison withgovernment-sponsoredprograms.

Analyze thesufficiency of dataavailable to meet thecriteria public healthNGOs use to chooseto get involved in ahealth issue.

Does not describeavailable datarelated to a specifichealth issue.

Describes availabledata but does notanalyze its sufficiencyto meet the criteriapublic health NGOsuse to choose to getinvolved in a healthissue.

Analyzes thesufficiency of dataavailable to meetthe criteria publichealth NGOs use tochoose to getinvolved in a healthissue.

Analyzes the sufficiency ofdata available to meet thecriteria public healthNGOs use to choose toget involved in a healthissue. Notes methods byNGOs to develop theircriteria.

Explain howpracticum researchand interviewingexperienceschallenged or metassumptions aboutpublic healthorganizations anddelivery.

Does not describepracticum researchand interviews thatwere conducted.

Describes practicumresearch andinterviews that wereconducted, but doesnot offer a fullexplanation oraddress how theseexperienceschallenged or metassumptions aboutpublic healthorganizations anddelivery.

Explains howpracticum researchand interviewingexperienceschallenged or metassumptions aboutpublic healthorganizations anddelivery.

Explains how practicumresearch and interviewingexperiences challenged ormet assumptions aboutpublic healthorganizations anddelivery. Reflects on howthis will affect futureprofessional practice withregard to public health.

Convey purpose, inan appropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,professional, and

Does not conveypurpose in anappropriate toneand style. Does notincorporatesupporting evidencenor adhere toorganizational,

Conveys purpose, inan appropriate tone orstyle. Clear, effectivecommunication isinhibited byinsufficient supportingevidence and/orminimal adherence to

Conveys purpose,in an appropriatetone and style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,

Conveys clear purpose, ina tone and style well-suited to the intendedaudience. Supportsassertions, arguments,and conclusions withrelevant, credible, andconvincing evidence.

5/18/23, 7:20 PM Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Scoring Guide

https://courserooma.capella.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/NURS-FPX/NURS-FPX8014/220700/Scoring_Guides/a01_scoring_guide.html 2/2


professional, orscholarly writingstandards.

organizational,professional, orscholarly writingstandards.

professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards, including APAstyle and formatting.

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