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Assignment #1

 You learned the definition of the American Dream in Week 1, and you also learned about the American identity. Traits often associated with the American identity include boldness, confidence, perseverance, and integrity. These traits are often demonstrated through a character’s words or actions. This week, we’ll focus on confidence and how it is reflected in two of the readings. Choose one character from a work of fiction (“Desiree's Baby” or Trifles) and one person from a work of non-fiction (Torres, Kobabe, or Stanton). Describe how confidence is reflected in each. Criteria:

· 300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)

· Include two properly integrated and cited paraphrased quotations (one related to each character) to support your claims. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week's activities for information about integrating and citing paraphrased quotations.

Assignment #2 – See below for options for essay

Creating an Outline for Option 1

Instructions: Write complete sentences to fill in the items below.



· Briefly paraphrase the maxims you’ve chosen and explain why they are important values.

· Identify the film and give a brief description of the characters you are analyzing.

· Remember to avoid the first-person point of view (I, me, my, our, ours) and the second-person point of view (you, your, yours) in formal writing.

Thesis Statement (fill in the blanks on the right). This will be the last sentence of your introduction

Three maxims from Franklin's “The Way to Wealth” that the characters embody in The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby) are _____, _____, and _____.

Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement.

Body Paragraph 1: Elaborate on the first point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (Example: [Character’s name] embodies Franklin’s maxim of “____” when they _____.)

Detail 1:

Detail 2:

Detail 3:

Concluding Sentence:

Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:

Choose one of these pairings: Choose three of these traits:

1. Rip Van Winkle and Hugh Wolfe                    A. Confidence 

2. Deborah and Desiree Aubigny                       B. Boldness

3. Dame Van Winkle and Mrs. Hale                   C. Empathy toward others

4. Faith Brown and Minnie Wright                       D. Perseverance

5. Maia Kobabe and Justin Torres                      E. Integrity                                                                    

                                                                             F. Honor

Body Paragraph 2: Elaborate on the second point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the second maxim you selected)

Detail 1:

Detail 2:

Detail 3:

Concluding Sentence:

Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:

Body Paragraph 3: Elaborate on the third point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the third maxim you selected)

Detail 1:

Detail 2:

Detail 3:

Concluding Sentence:

Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:



Summarize the main points in the body paragraphs and paraphrase your thesis.

Option 2

Creating an Outline for Option 2

Instructions: Write complete sentences to fill in the items below.



· Identify the titles and authors of the works you are analyzing.

· Give a brief description of the characters you are analyzing.

· Remember to avoid the first-person point of view (I, me, my, our, ours) and the second-person point of view (you, your, yours) in formal writing.

Thesis Statement (fill in the blanks for one of the thesis statements on the right). This will be the last sentence of your introduction.

While some differences between (name of character 1) and (name of character 2) are evident, they are similar in the aspects of ( trait #1, trait #2, and trait #3). (You will determine three points of comparison from the pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs.)


While some similarities between (name of character 1) and (name of character 2) are evident, they are different in the aspects of ( trait #1, trait #2, and trait #3). (You will determine three points of comparison from the pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs.)

Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement.

Body Paragraph 1: Elaborate on the first point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (Example: [character 1] and [character 2] are [similar / different] in terms of (trait #1) because _____.)

Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:

Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:

Concluding Sentence:

Choose one of these pairings: Choose three of these traits:

1. Rip Van Winkle and Hugh Wolfe                    A. Confidence 

2. Deborah and Desiree Aubigny                       B. Boldness

3. Dame Van Winkle and Mrs. Hale                   C. Empathy toward others

4. Faith Brown and Minnie Wright                       D. Perseverance

5. Maia Kobabe and Justin Torres                      E. Integrity                                                                    

                                                                             F. Honor

Body Paragraph 2: Elaborate on the second point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the second point you are comparing/contrasting)

Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:

Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:

Concluding Sentence:

Body Paragraph 3: Elaborate on the third point in your thesis statement

Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the third point you are comparing/contrasting)

Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:

Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second character)

Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:

Concluding Sentence:



Summarize the main points in the body paragraphs and paraphrase your thesis.


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