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(2016) and (2017). This is a group assignment. You will use Soundtrap or Audacity to create a sound file with a colleague(s) and share your sound file on your website. Below are details about assignment content, structure, and guidance to support you as you create and share your podcast. Included in RESOURCES below are videos and documents to support your use of Soundtrap, Anchor, or Audacity to create the sound file. There are three components to the assignment: a script, the collaborative sound file, and an individual written reflection.

Assignment Content

Podcasts tend to be topical. Last week I provided a for your examination.  If you have not already done so, I suggest listening to a few podcasts to help you brainstorm ideas for this assignment.  

Podcast Content:

1. The podcast should be planned and then executed.  A draft script should accompany the podcast.  No need to match the audio word for word .

2. The podcast should be collaborative.  Soundtrap supports collaboration at a distance (over the phone) in real time, while Audacity can asynchronously combine individual sound files to support collaboration. 

3. The podcast must meet content standards.  These may be PK-12 content standards or standards that govern the work you do or aspire to do.  Content standards must be identified and communicated in the written reflection.

4. The podcast must be at least 3 and no more than 20 minutes in length and include comparable contributions from all group members.

Content Groups I am assigned and can choose from: ELA, ELL, Social Studies, Theatre

Written Reflection Content:  Each member of your group will create an individual reflection document. Your individual written reflection (450 – 500 words) should address the following:

1. Which ISTE Standards were addressed in this assignment?  What skills did you develop or use to create the sound file product? Look at both the Student and Educator Standards.  How are they met? What is your evidence? 

2. Which content Standards were addressed in your podcast?  How are they met? 

3. Reflect upon your experience using a podcasting tool to collaborate with colleague(s) to create a digital product.  Discuss benefits and challenges to using the tool.  What concerns might you have about using a tool like this with students?  Is it appropriate for all grade levels? content areas? Why or why not?

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