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Assessment 3 Instructions: Best Practices Report

Write a 4-6 page report that analyzes how two highly ranked countries manage a specific disease and usethat analysis to develop best practices for a health alliance organization.


Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to completethem in sequence.

Best practices are defined to include high quality, accessibility, comprehensiveness, and portability elementsof an efficient and effective health care system.

Health systems can be defined as the collection of organizations, people, and policies that are coordinatedto improve population health. Health systems aim to improve population health by curative methods andmethods to prevent diseases. Elements such as universality, accessibility, comprehensiveness, and portabilityare important considerations of a health care delivery system. Ultimately, health systems should be targetedand focused to cover nearly everyone, provide access to quality care, be affordable, and be portable ifindividuals move.

By addressing communicable diseases, a country can move from an epidemiological transition of highmortality to high longevity. Communicable diseases can typically be addressed by sanitation and clean waterprojects, updating slums with sewage systems, mosquito nets, vector elimination programs, and basicmedication. Lowering infection rates typically leads to increased life expectancy. Chronic diseases, such ascardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, and respiratory illnesses, can be addressed with medicalintervention, changes to the physical environment, city planning, and behavioral changes.

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepenyour understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below anddiscuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professionalcommunity. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need tobe completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

How do governmental approaches compare when addressing a health care issue?How does a nation's political and economic makeup shape a country's social services and the wayhealth care services are delivered?

Course Navigation 

Yvonne AllesFACULTY 

Kacie GoblirschCOACH 

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Which health care performance indicators are most often used?


This assessment assumes the perspective of population health, by analyzing how two highly rankedcountries deal with a disease, and extrapolating best practices from that analysis. Explore the Internet forexamples and templates of reports. Review the links in the resources provided for this assessment forinformation about population health and risk-based contracting.


Assume the role in the scenario below:

Scenario: You are a new graduate working as an executive assistant for the chief operations officer(COO) of a health care alliance partnership. This organization operates across multiple countries andis considering entering into risk-based contracting. You have been assigned to research andrecommend best practices for management of a disease, which can be applied across countries.

Use the disease state or health issue you identified in the previous assessment or choose another one(for example, hip replacement) as the basis for this assessment.Identify two countries with superior performance indicators for managing the disease or health issue.

Write a 4–5-page report for your organization. Use tables or charts as needed to succinctly conveyinformation. Organize your report as follows:

Performance Indicators

Appraise current performance indicators and outcome measures for delivery, quality, affordability,and accessibility.

Compare key performance indicators for management of a disease among countries. (A chartor table could be created for this information.Costs: Compare the disease or diagnosis cost information for each country against the Centerfor Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) case rate for the disease or diagnosis.

Best Practices

Recommend best practices for disease management that can be applied across countries.Explain how best practices were selected.Which country is superior in each category?

Organizational Implications

Evaluate the implications of implementing recommended best practices for the organization fordelivery, quality, affordability, and accessibility. Consider:


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Consumer Implications

Evaluate the implications of implementing recommended best practices for consumers for delivery,quality, affordability, and accessibility.

Provider Management

Identify the challenges for managing providers within a fee-for-services versus a risk-basedcontracting plan.

Additional RequirementsAdditional Requirements

Your report must include the following requirements:

Formatting: Use current APA standards for style and formatting.Number of Resources: Minimum of 3 peer-reviewed resources.Length: 4–6 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference page.Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.Communication: Write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supportedwith relevant evidence. Use bullet points, phrases, tables or charts when applicable, to conveyinformation succinctly.

Competencies MeasuredCompetencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following coursecompetencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 2: Evaluate the costs and benefits associated with implementation of a qualityimprovement initiative.

Recommend best practices for disease management that can be applied across countries.Evaluate the implications of implementing the recommended best practices for theorganization for delivery, quality, affordability, and accessibility.Evaluate the implications of implementing the recommended best practices for consumers fordelivery, quality, affordability, and accessibility.Identify the challenges for managing providers within a fee-for-services versus a risk-basedcontracting plan.

Competency 3: Apply key performance measures to address a specific health issue within aninternational community.

Appraise current performance indicators and outcome measures for delivery, quality,affordability, and accessibility.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent withexpectations for professionals in health care administration.

Write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant

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evidence.Use current APA standards for style and formatting.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.


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