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 Meets Course Objectives 1, 2, 4, 5, 6Click    for example memos, emails, and letters. Use these formats (not necessarily the same fonts) when creating your writing assignments.Approximate time to complete writing assignments below: 2-3 hours

  1. Formal letter to employees about a merger
  2. E-mail to supervisor regarding a problem in the workplace
  3. Revise a letter for more positive emphasis
  4. Identify and analyze a potential job opportunity
  5. Researching career opportunities*

                     *These assignments will be revised during later weeks and must be included in the Final e-Portfolio1. Write a formal letter to employees to announce a merger. (Informative and positive messaging) After reading Chapter 9, complete the following assignment.As manager of a medium-sized business, you have been asked to send a formal letter to all employees announcing a merger. There have been a lot of rumors of layoffs, salary reductions and people losing their personal office space. The merger will require some retraining, but no job cuts are scheduled, nor will there be a change in compensation.  The company will be moving to a new space that will be shared with the new team.  At this time, the space is being prepared, specific office spaces have not been assigned.  The formal letter should be informative and positive.2. Write an email to your supervisor reporting a workplace problem. (Negative messaging)After reading Chapter 9, complete the following assignmentFor this assignment, you will identify a problem in your current workplace or imagine a problem that affects the employees, clients or customers, or the business overall.  This is not a personal problem (like need more time off or someone keeps taking your yogurt from the fridge). This can be related to the organization, its rules, or its structure. In the textbook, consider Figure 10.1, LO 10-3. Compose the email based on the best practices listed. Attention should be paid to the following:

  • Subject Line 
  • Buffer
  • Description,
  • Reasons
  • Options
  • Solutions

3.  Revise a letter for more positive emphasis.The following email was sent to employees containing several negative messages. Revise the communication so there is more positive emphasis.Staff,

This is a reminder regarding our all-company meeting tomorrow. All of you received a calendar invite a couple of weeks ago, so everyone should have already arranged their schedules to attend. Attendance is mandatory. Everyone MUST be on camera during our Zoom meeting so that we can see and hear all of you. There is no reason not to be on camera. Our company’s CEO will speak at 1 PM sharp, so please be in place in advance with your camera ON. It would be rude for you not to be on camera while she is speaking. Also please dress appropriately. T-shirts and pajama tops are not acceptable. Dress professionally. No excuses!!!

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. I expect all of you to participate!!! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely,4. Identify and analyze a potential job opportunity For this assignment, you will conduct a job search, report the results, and analyze your ability to be hired based on your skills.  Additionally, you will conduct research of the company (i.e. your potential employer) and write a short summary of the companys strengths and weaknesses. Pay partiular attention to its focus on diversity.

  1. Do a job search on a popular employment site (Indeed.com, Linked In, Glassdoor, Ziprecruiter), Be sure to use a job title that is relevant to your career goal.
  2. Select a job that you would like to have and copy and paste the job description and requirements to begin the written section of this assignment.
  3. Write a brief explanation of the skills required that align to your skills (you can highlight them), and those skill you still need to attain. How will you strengthen your skills? Are you a good fit for the job? If so why? If not, how can you better prepare yourself for such an application?
  4. Conduct research on the company by visiting their website. Consider the following:
    • Professional appearance and environment as reflected on the site
    • Mission statement
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Vision
    • Leadership
    • Community engagement

 5. Research Career OpportunitiesFor this assignment you will conduct research on viability, salary, and market analysis of jobs in your field. This will include average salary, number of positions available, projected jobs in the field, and any relevant market information. The Bureau of Labor Statistics ( ) has a wealth of information you can use. Other sides (such as those mentioned in Assigment 4) can alsp prove useful. Be sure to cite in your infographic. For this assignment, you will create a simple Infographic. You may use one of these free sites

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