by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 24, 2023 | History
What catastrophes in history had a bad impact on the environment?
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 22, 2023 | History
John Lockes Philosophical ideas Essay: Over the course of the term, students will be required to write an essay (around 3-4 pages long) on the primary sources by choosing at least 2 and not more than 4 documents. These sources: 1. Elizabeth Pollard et al., Worlds...
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 22, 2023 | History
What education system is the best – the USA, Finland or France?
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 22, 2023 | History
Many people argue that we are products of our past. However, as the Chinese philosopher Confucius suggested, because the contemporary events taking place around us have histories, we can examine them to understand how and why the events came to be. By developing the...
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 22, 2023 | History
What education system is the best – the USA, Finland or France?
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | Nov 22, 2023 | History
Throughout the course, you have examined how historical events impact current events. Historians are often motivated to partly study the past because that knowledge can help us frame, compare, and understand modern problems. However, what responsibilities does an...