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Simulated Field Experience Template

CHS199V Simulated Field Experience I

CHS199 Practicum 1

Name of Video #1:

1. What is the main point of the video? Did the video do a good job of making the point? Why or why not?

2. Describe the setting of the video. Include details such as where the video was made, the kind of early childhood program, and the main action in the video.

3. In detail, describe something from the video that surprised you or made you think of something a little differently. If nothing surprises, in detail, explain why.

4. Give an example of how you might apply something you learned from the video in your classroom. And explain why you chose that example.

Name of Video #2:

1. What is the main point of the video? Did the video do a good job of making the point? Why or why not?

2. Describe the setting of the video. Include details such as where the video was made, the kind of early childhood program, and the main action in the video.

3. In detail, describe something from the video that surprised you or made you think of something a little differently. If nothing surprises, in detail, explain why.

4. Give an example of how you might apply something you learned from the video in your classroom. And explain why you chose that example.

Name of Video #3:

1. What is the main point of the video? Did the video do a good job of making the point? Why or why not?

2. Describe the setting of the video. Include details such as where the video was made, the kind of early childhood program, and the main action in the video.

3. In detail, describe something from the video that surprised you or made you think of something a little differently. If nothing surprises, in detail, explain why.

4. Give an example of how you might apply something you learned from the video in your classroom. And explain why you chose that example.



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