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Your business has been open for a month, and you have prepared an income statement and completed a variance analysis on the data. Now you will meet
with investors and a few other internal stakeholders to share your company’s progress over the past month and how it has performed with respect to your
cost and budget projections. The investors would like to see the thought process behind your financial strategy and how your company has performed in its
first month. They have therefore asked you to present a report that includes the costing and income data from your Project Workbook.
Submit a detailed report to your potential investors and other stakeholders to explain and defend your costing strategies and to share your business’s
performance to date. Your report can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document (based on the templates provided in the What to
Submit section). In either format, be sure to effectively communicate with your stakeholders by breaking down concepts and using investor-friendly language
to build their trust and confidence. If you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to include speaker notes for each slide.

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