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create a presentation with 6-8 content slides that summarize the key attributes of your agency research during the course, plus make the additional slides indicated in the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) PowerPoint/SlideShow Checklist.

The Strayer University Library provides an SWS Sample Slideshow and SWS Slideshow Template. Title each slide to agree with the content of the slide, and make sure your slides follow the design guidelines in the Strayer Writing Standards.

Your presentation should include the following:

Introduction: Provide detailed background information about the agency, its mission, and its goals.
Current Events: Describe three recent newsworthy events and their effect on agency public perceptions.
Leadership Influences: Assess the organizational leadership, including the impact on organizational success or failure. Assessment should be focused and detailed.
Human Resources Processes: Describe plans for hiring and retaining a diversified and inclusive workforce, with appropriate explanation.
Budget Request and Recommendations: Recommend three ways to improve the budget for the next fiscal year.
Conclusion (Looking Ahead): Recommend three ways to improve agency effectiveness. Recommendations made should be detailed and appropriate for this agency.

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