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For this assignment, you will conclude your marketing plan by developing your hypothetical company’s pricing and distribution strategies and integrated marketing communications plan.Note: You should make all assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Create the third part of your marketing plan in 6–8 pages using the Part C Marketing Plan Template [DOCX]:

Explain how you will use the feedback you received on Part B of your marketing plan to improve your plan.
Develop the company’s pricing strategy including a rationale for the approach chosen.
Develop the company’s distribution strategy, including a rationale for the approach chosen.
Develop the promotional mix (message, media, advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling) appropriate for the target market.
Develop the online and direct marketing plan most relevant for the product or service and target market.
Develop a social-responsibility or cause-related marketing plan most relevant for the product or service and target market.


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