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    Development and Implement Service Programs


Subject Business Pages 14 Style APA


Development and Implement Service Programs

Assessment task 1: Scenario

Scenario 1

What are two (2) processes that could have been put in place for Max to act earlier?

  1. Express the problem resulting from schedules conflicting to the relevant authority.
  2. Talk to his caseworker about his footy training and ask if the caseworker can visit on a different day.

How could Max’s issue get included in management processes?

The issue concerning Max can be among the issues raised and addressed in the regular management meetings.

How could the program be modified to meets Max’s needs? Provide two (2) suggestions.

  1. Find another caseworker who is available on days that Max does not attend footy training.
  2. Ask Max about his schedule then inform the new caseworker on convenient days to visit.

Scenario 2

List at least four (4) topics Peter should be asking about Sally to assess her individual needs?

  1. Culture
  2. Interests
  3. Communication
  4. Health issues

What are two possible barriers that could limit Sally’s participation?

  1. Because Sally is disabled she would find it hard to move around using the wheelchair so the environment is a barrier
  2. The wheelchair will inhibit her from taking part in several activities offered by the institution hence she will experience individual barrier

How can Peter make sure Sally is able to give feedback on the service she receives and that it is acted on? Identify at least four (4) strategies.

He should use templates written in simple English for understanding in order to collect relevant feedback. The feedback collected by Peter should address Sally’s needs such as age, language, and abilities. The template should be responsive to the emotional state of Sally.

  1. Provide sufficient backing for the individual providing the services.
  2. Give means of transport for the individual providing the service.
  3. Avail enough resources to Sally for ease of giving feedback.
  4. Encourage Sally to express her concerns relating to the services.

Scenario 3

How might you ensure staff are culturally aware in relation to people from Syria and what type of external group might you draw on to facilitate this?

Allocate sufficient time for the staff working on the new program to learn and familiarize themselves with the Syrian refugees by learning their culture and preferences. Engage the services of an individual who can understand the Syrian language and culture.

What methods could you use to communicate roles and responsibilities to the local nursery staff?

Arrange for staff meetings to assign responsivities and roles. Try to effect supervision meetings.

What are two documents you may develop as part of the program planning to set up the gardens and recruit participants?

  1. Developing a program strategy
  2. Develop a work strategy.

Assessment task 2: Knowledge Questions

List three (3) steps you would take to develop a consumer participation plan that ensures their engagement in decisions about the community service provision.

  1. Identify member segments
  2. Identify the desires of each member segment
  3. Craft the community engagement and participation plan

Identify any two (2) processes and two (2) communications that may be barriers to effective consumer participation.

  1. Environmental barriers that comprise of transportation, gender and age discrimination, lack of income, and absence of housing.
  2. Individual barriers comprising language barriers, mistrust, and illiteracy.

What mechanisms could you develop to overcome these barriers you identified in Question 2?

  1. Stop the discrimination, provide employment for the participants, the trips should be cheap, and properly schedule proceedings with the bus to help counter the environmental barriers.
  2. Enlisting the services of psychologists, give space and time for individuals to express themselves, and use focus groups to counter individual barriers.

List two (2) ways you could consult with people accessing your service.

  1. Using focus groups
  2. using regular service user groups

Identify two (2) strategies you could implement for consulting and collaborating with other services.

  1. Using external process such as networking with other institutions.
  2. Through internal process such as marketing and reception.

What is meant by multifaceted needs?

Various individuals have diverse preferences and requirements. In order, provide relevant and better services social workers need to be aware of these requirements and preferences.

How organization’s work may impact positively on service delivery?

Departments within the organizations such as the human resources because they are concerned with trainings, maintaining harmony within the organization, meetings planning, and developing reports.

What codes, standards and legislation may impact on the community services area you plan to work in?

The discrimination Act of 1991 and the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975

Every organization should ensure that the workplace is free from any forms of discriminations including sexual, disability, gender, or age. Every employ must have equal treatment and access to services.

Identify two (2) internal and two (2) external stakeholders whose input into program planning you consider is important.

The external include peak bodies and Service users

Service users help in taking part in strategic planning, pursuing feedback on service provision, taking part in general assemblies, and sharing the service plan. Peak bodies help in engaging with top employees at workshops and conferences and acting as guest speakers at team gatherings.  

The internal include Reception personnel and the board.

The reception personnel are the primary source for the organization to get feedback from consumers. They cater for team meetings, reviews, meeting planning, and providing reports. The board on the other hand are responsible for developing new collaborations and contracts.

List three (3) ways of incorporating service users’ individual differences, rights and needs into planning processes.

  1. Providing employee trainings.
  2. Giving support to special needs individuals.
  3. Including every person in the process.

List three (3) strategies (one for each) that you can use to identify financial, human and physical resource requirements when planning.

  1. For the reception staff, use of reviews, reports, program planning gatherings, and personnel meetings.
  2. For the financial through human resources, budget planning meetings, reports, and program planning gatherings.
  3. For the management using management gatherings, presentations, and reports.

What is the difference between competitive tendering process and philanthropic funding?

Competitive tendering is an auction procedure via which huge institutional stakeholders buy new allotted government debt while philanthropic funding are nonprofit funding chances that give financial assistance leading to achievement of a precise project objectives.

What are two (2) ways you could obtain feedback from service users?

  1. Through enquiring for opinions from the users concerning the services.
  2. The use of social channels.

What is a program plan? List its component and characteristics of a well-designed program.

It is a method of working with the individuals in a bid to identify unsatisfactory conditions or issues and determine goals, objectives, and solutions to problems.

  1. Comprises of individuals who know about the process since the relevant authorities made it transparent.
  2. Occurs after scanning the environment to evaluate other issues taking place.

Who is responsible for governance of an organization and how is accountability ensured at all levels?

There exists a hierarchy within an organization including managers, supervisors, team leaders, personnel and consumers.

The board ensures accountability through subcommittee meetings and reports.

Outline the three (3) key steps to follow to facilitate training for a new program.

  1. Evaluate the relevant training needs and set objectives
  2. Develop training action strategy and implement the initiatives
  3. Assess and revise the training

Describe the stages of monitoring a program

Develop performance indicators to weigh the results, get relevant reports and gather data on the performance. Analyze the data and avail the findings to the planning committee. The team will make necessary adjustments and allow the monitoring process to continue.

List an appropriate strategy you could implement if you identify that a service user’s choices are not met by the provider or a community care worker.

Identify the exact services and the provider concerned and identify why such issues are occurring. The best strategy will be to organize a meeting with the provider to understand the reasons behind it.

Identify four (4) factors you would take into account when assessing a program’s capacity to meet its objectives.

  1. The impact it has on the intended audience
  2. To evaluate if the processes of program implementation was done right
  3. Evaluate the outcomes of the program
  4. Execute a summative evaluation

How does evaluation feed into continuous improvement?

An effective evaluation requires the organization to develop the process from the start of the program. All relevant stakeholders should provide feedback and techniques used in the action research. The program should be improved and monitored always.

What are two (2) methods you may use to seek feedback from a partnership organization?

  1. Using informal and form meetings
  2. Using surveys and focus groups.

How can you comply with the regulatory and sustainability considerations when planning and implementing a community sector service program?

Through establishing proper avenues to get feedback from investors and intended audience. Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation process. Always make modifications, which fit within the budget and policy guidelines whenever necessary.

Assessment Task 3: Work Placement Tasks

Section 1 – Analysis of service needs and planning

Who were involved in the planning phase?

The local community workers, the management team and the investors.

How did you assess the needs of the client or client group?

By using, focus groups and community interviews.

What were the multi-faceted needs you identified?

Some users lacked money for transport to the centers, some users had to work, and some went to school making availability for the program hard.

Identify other services and networks you could consult and collaborate with to address these needs.

Government installations and local community organizations.

Did you identify any processes and communications that may be a barrier to the client’s engagement in the planning or implementation phases? Explain.

Language barriers since some local people could not communicate in English. Some people did not trust or believe the program because it was not from the government.

What did you do about this?

Sort the services of a translator who understood the language and executed and education program to inform the untrusting community of our tasks.

What were the impacts of the organizational policies, procedures, processes and other broader contexts on the service delivery for this client or client group?

The procedures had a positive effect and life changing experiences.

Who is accountable for the overall implementation of the program? What is the governance structure in place to oversee the service delivery?

The local community officials under the careful supervision do the implementation from the management team. The governance structure involves stakeholders, managers, supervisors, local community officials, and consumers.

Section 2 – Develop the community sector service program

Briefly describe the community sector service program you developed and implemented.

The community service program was to educate the youths on the harmful effects of drugs and drug abuse. The program also educated the youth on how to avoid abusing such drugs.  


Identify the internal and external stakeholders who contributed to the planning phase of the program.

The internal involved

The human resource and the program managers

The external involved

The community officials and the community individuals

How did you engage the service user/s in management processes?

Through trainings and educating about the program.

What formal arrangements were made between the service user/s and the service provider?

There was a contract signed and signing of information consent forms.

How did you consider the individual differences, rights, needs and preferences of the service user/s in the planning processes?

Necessary adjustments and improvements made after the results from the focus group discussions.

How did you integrate various internal and external services in the program?

Assigning everyone his or her roles and responsibilities.

What were the financial requirements to implement the program? Is there any funding allocated for the program delivery?

Funding allocation was necessary for the program implementation to pay staff and acquire relevant information materials for the users.

What were the human resource requirements to implement the program? What were their roles and responsibilities? Complete the provided table

The community worker identified and mobilized the youth to specific centers.

The supervisors monitored the community workers produced reports.

The professionals educated the youths mobilized.

The finance manager produced reports and monitored the budget and paid staff  

Human resource conducted and organized meetings as well as hire staff.

What were the physical resource requirements to implement the program?

Pamphlets, transportation, and resource centers

What support systems and procedures did you develop/use to successfully implement the program?

Weekly management meetings to discuss the process of implementation stages

Budget meetings.

The supervisors encouraged and organized meetings with the local community workers.

What service evaluation methods did you choose? What were the planned mechanisms for feedback from the service user/s?

Interviews and seeking opinions from the users.

We evaluated the processes, impacts and outcomes of the meetings.

Complete the provided table outlining the priorities you set, timelines and responsibilities.

Contact the supervisors to ask the community workers to plan and mobilize more youths in different regions by the end of the week. The program manager was responsible for the task.

Section 3 – Program implementation and monitoring

How did you communicate the roles and responsibilities to relevant stakeholders?

Through staff and management meetings and reports

How did you facilitate the provision of training to support the implementation of the program?

Availed transportation for the professionals to the resource centers. Printed and availed enough resource materials to the youths for use in training.

How did you monitor the service delivery against agreed objectives and budgetary frameworks?

Through reports from the supervisors and the finance team. Progress meetings held every week. Using feedback from the users.

What were your findings?

 The implementation was proceeding as planned and surpassed the budget slightly.           

How did you interact and consult with the service user/s to monitor their changing needs? Did you identify any changing needs? Explain.

The focus groups gave efficient results on the changes the users had concerning the program. Interviews helped find out about the users.

How did you use feedback from service user/s during the monitoring phase?

The feedback from the users helped improve the process of implementation hence as the process proceeded the implementation became much easier and efficient.

Did you identify any problems in addressing the needs of service user/s? How did you address these?

We managed to find centers that were much closer to the users and in some instances availed our transportation. The professionals reduced the timing for sessions but still covered the same content. 

What organizational policies and procedures did you comply with when addressing the needs of service user/s?

The organization had a policy on not discriminating any user who showed interest in the program.

What relevant program and service delivery documentation did you maintain?

The reports from the community workers and the supervisors. The finance statements. In addition, feedback reports from the users.

Section 4 – Program evaluation

What feedback and complaints did you receive from the service user/s and other stakeholders on the program delivery?

Some users claimed the resource centers were far and could not raise the transport money. Others said the sessions were long.

The stakeholders complimented the implementation process.

How would you evaluate the capacity of the developed program to meet set objectives?

Through the opinions and feedbacks from the users. We took into consideration both the positive and negative feedbacks.

How could you modify (or, how did you modify) the program to meet changing requirements within policy and budgetary frameworks of the service provider?

We managed to find centers that were much closer to the users and in some instances availed our transportation. The professionals reduced the timing for sessions but still covered the same content. 

How did you comply with the regulatory and sustainability considerations when planning and implementing the program?

Through establishing proper avenues to get feedback from investors and intended audience. Conducting regular monitoring and evaluation process. Always made modifications, which fit within the budget and policy guidelines whenever necessary.



CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Release 1. Retrieved from https://aspire-solidus-production.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/assets/CXCCS007/samples/CXCCS007.pdf

Wikin, B., Altschuld, J. (1995). Planning and conducting needs assessments: A practical guide. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Writer, S. (2020, April 7). What Are Environmental Barriers in Communication? Retrieved from https://www.reference.com/business-finance/environmental-barriers-communication-dbffee910dd7b6e3

YAKOWICZ, W. (2014, December 8). How to Get Employees to Give You Honest Feedback. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/will-yakowicz/the-art-of-eliciting-honest-feedback-from-colleagues.html


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