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SOC 324 – Deviant Behavior

News Article Reflection

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST, Sunday of Unit 3 Points: 100 Overview: While we are learning about deviance through our textbook it is equally important to examine and learn from our society as well. Bridging classroom theories to the world around us is where the real learning begins! Instructions: Deviance is all around us and routinely highlighted on the news. Find one news story on childhood deviance and write a two-page reflection on it, including the following:

• A summary of the news story • Clear identification of the deviant behavior and its effect on society • An explanation of the cause of the behavior (at least one theory covered in your

text should be referenced). • Two interventions (or responses) to this type of deviant behavior


• Submit a Word document in APA format. • Minimum two pages in length, excluding the reference page. • Reference page in APA format, including any outside resources and the chosen

news story.

Refer to the Written Assignment rubric in the Course Information section by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

  • Overview:
  • Instructions:
  • Requirements:

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