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Discussion board class HCM 500

Before engaging in this week's discussion, watch the video titled    Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of transparent health care costs. Next, provide a current example of a current event (within the past 12 months) in which lack of transparency in health care costs created a significant burden on patient finances.  Either write a well-supported post, or prepare a 30-45 second audio/video “newsbrief” based on this current event. Consider these questions:

· Provide context for the event being described.

· What was the outcome of the event?

· What are the benefits of having transparent health costs?

· What are the challenges of having transparent health costs?

· What did you learn or gain from this discussion?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words. 

This week’s readings are about the income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet. Briefly describe the purpose of each of these financial documents. In your opinion, which of these documents is most important running and sustaining a healthcare business and why is X document most important? Which document is least important and why? Support your opinion.

Critical Thinking assignment HCM 500

U.S. Healthcare System vs. Other Countries (50 points)

Review the Boslaugh text,   and select a country to compare with the U.S. for your written paper.

Provide an evidence-based comparison of the U.S. healthcare system with a healthcare system in another industrialized country. Compare the following elements between the two countries:

· Type of healthcare system in place (national health insurance, national health system, socialized health insurance, or other);

· Means by which the system is financed;

· Costs of healthcare services; and

· Comparative strengths and weaknesses of the two healthcare systems.

Your paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

· 3-4 pages in length,

· Formatted according to guidelines in the  , and

· Include at least two references from peer-reviewed articles beyond the text or other course materials. The   is a good place to find peer-reviewed articles.

· Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research.

· Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

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