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Assignment Prompt: Researched Argument


The researched argument is the final step in the writing process. For this assignment, you will pull on all of the course work you have completed thus far, bringing the pieces together into a final, polished project: a well-analyzed, well-supported,  -driven essay. Also, you will need to locate and read at least one more source to help you build your argument.  Thus, this argument will be supported by 6 sources. (Note: previous assignments needed only 5 sources.)


The researched argument is your chance to showcase all of your hard work, as you demonstrate:

· The ability to take a position in a persuasive,  -driven manner.

· The art of crafting a debatable   and supporting it with  -driven 

· The skill of building a solid structure and foundation in support of the debatable 

· Consideration of the counterclaim, and a well-informed rebuttal 

· The skill of source support via valid points and credible 


Length: a minimum of 1500 words are required for this assignment. *If the minimum word count is not met, your assignment will be returned with no grade and a resubmission will be required.   

Sources:  An   formatted   page and in-text (parenthetical) citations are required for this assignment. The  Works Cited page should include at least  6 cited sources.  As a reminder, sources cited on your “ ” page must also be cited within your essay as in-text citations. You may use all, some or none of the sources you originally read to prepare for all of the other assignments in this course; however you must include   from 6 read and reviewed   for this assignment.  *If the minimum source count (6) is not met, your assignment will be returned with no grade and a resubmission will be required.   

The researched argument should include the following four components: Topic  , Body,  , and   Page with at least 6 sources. 

Check out the table below for more information about the required content and conditions of each component:





In   the  , consider including the following elements:

Start with an attention grabber or  : an extremely poignant but simple-to-the-point story, an example, statistic, or historical context that introduces the essay’s topic. Then, give an overview of any issues involved with the  . Define any key terminology needed to understand the topic. Quote or   sources revealing the controversial nature of the  . Highlight   on the topic needed to understand the direction of the paper

Your main  , and in brief, the reasons supporting the  . (1-2 sentences) 

Top Tip: Aim for at least six to eight sentences here, to allow for full forecasting of the rest of the essay.  

The   / main   should be underlined. 

Top Tip: The   is the main  !


Clearly present the reasons in the order as listed with the main   in paragraph 1.

Provide warrants to connect each reason; then, explore the reason with  .

You will want to bring up a   and rebuttal with each noted reason.

Top Tip: Make sure to use strong  s to help readers move more easily with you, from one idea (and one paragraph) to the next. 

Restate your  .  Attempt to not copy verbatim from the  .

Briefly   each “reason” found in the body of the paper.

End with a strong clincher statement: an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the whole point of the essay together (you may want to refer back to the attention grabber or   noted in paragraph 1)

Top Tip: You should plan to really grab the readers’ attention one last time here–to leave them with some final food for thought. 

Plan to include 6 sources here (and each source should also be cited directly in the essay, as in-text citations). 

Top Tip: As a reminder, sources cited on your “ ” page should also be cited within your essay. You may use all, some or none of the sources you originally read to prepare for all of the other assignments in this course. Use sources that best help you to prove your  ; this may mean choosing new, or some new, articles. 

Note: 6 sources minimum.


Document Format:   formatting: Heading (name, assignment name, course name, date), original title, header (page numbers), line-spacing (double-spaced), 1” margins, 12-point font size, and Times New Roman or other sans-serif font. Includes properly formatting in-text citations and the   page. (6 sources minimum.) The   should be underlined. 

/ Formal,  . Underline the  /main  .

Last modified: Monday, June 6, 2022, 2:42 PM

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