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Please choose ONE question to answer from the discussion questions provided for each chapter. The
expected length of this assignment is 1/2-1 pages, double-spaced. Each assignment is graded as complete
or incomplete.

Chapter 2
Bringing the Science of Learning to the Classroom
1. Review the quotes from Christensen, Horn and Johnson noted on page 19: every student learns in a
different way a key step toward making school intrinsically motivating is to customize an education to
match the way each child learns best In your experience, does every student really learn in a different
way? How practical is it to customize the education of every student?
2. How are strengths and affinities leveraged and nurtured in your classroom, school, or district? What
opportunities do students have to develop their assets?
3. Many other scholars and practitioners are working to bring the science of learning to education
including some who have been noted throughout this book. In what ways have you or your colleagues
begun to incorporate some of their ideas into your practice? How does the approach described by All
Kinds of Minds align with these efforts?

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