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Before you begin, please read pages 123-150 in Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown.
1. Resilience is obviously super important in this time period, on both an individual and societal scale. How might you apply lessons from the chapter on Resilience in your own life and/or community? How have you been adapting to become more resilient during the last 2+ years of change since the start of the pandemic?
Please read pages 123-150 in Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown and watch the recorded interview with Claudia Urdanivia, Outreach Coordinator at NYC Parks Greenthumb.
After reading the chapter and watching the presentation, please post your responses to the DB forum:
1. What would you say makes Ms. Urdanivia an Emergent Strategist? How does she apply principles from the chapter on Resilience (or any previous chapter) in her work with NYC Parks Greenthumb?
2. What did you find most interesting or insightful from Ms. Urdanivia’s story? What content was most helpful for you in thinking about your own personal or professional journey?


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