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Compare and contrast views about environmental protection, protection of water, and climate change, via various cultural worldviews
For this paper, you are to compare and contrast views of water, where we have encountered these views through the course. Here we will explore actual views of water, or “cultural logics/worldviews” within which people may understand and value and utilize/manage water. In 2 to 3 pages, you are to summarize 3 aspects/views/attributes of and/or attributed to water from these respective worldviews, from:
1) Maori in New Zealand, specifically, from our discussion; and within that, indigenous views, broadly, from lecture and reading.
2) Hindu views from India via lecture and reading and discussion videos.
3) US environmentalist views, broadly speaking (think preservation and/or conservation, and laws around water) from lecture and readings.
4) Mainstream neoliberal Economic views from lecture, discussion, and reading.
I.e. the comparison and contrast between these four worldviews about water should be done using course readings, lectures, and links I have provided on each, as well as any brief personal research should that be needed



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