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In “Equality for Animals?”, Peter Singer argues that “speciesism” is an unjustified prejudice. What is “speciesism”? Why does Singer think that speciesism is an unjustified prejudice akin to racism or sexism? Do you agree with Singer? Why/why not?

It should be double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Explain a view and then either explain why you disagree with the view, or why you agree with the view (writer’s choice whether you agree or disagree)
• If you agree with the view, then you can explain why the argument succeeds by considering one or two objections to the argument and defending the view against those objections.
• If you disagree with the view, raise an objection to it. For example, does it make a mistake in reasoning at some point? Does it rely on a false analogy? Does it make a false assumption? Does it lead to absurd implications? (You do not need to raise all of these objections in your paper. They are meant as suggestions to help you think through the assignment)

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