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Evaluation Rubric for Midterm and Final Essay Examinations

A – Outstanding (90-100 points)

Content – Answers all parts of the question posed with clear, specific examples. Covers all important topics with detailed explanations from the modules.

Writing – Full sentences and paragraphs with no punctuation, spelling, or grammatical issues. Clear organization and well written.

B – Above Average/Very Good (80-90 points)

Content – Answers all parts of the question, but could rush through one part and skips over some key points. Covers most important topics, but could use more detail or specifics from the modules. Or, writes an A essay in all other regards, but contains some inaccurate information.

Writing – Full sentences and paragraphs with limited punctuation, spelling, or grammatical issues. Could need clearer organization to avoid jumping around.

C – Average/Satisfactory (70-80 points)

Content – Answers the question posed, but in a general way which needs more specific examples and explanations from the texts. Relies on past knowledge of history and underutilizes the modules. Skips over several key points/important topics. Or, writes an A or B essay in all other regards, but does not answer all parts of the question. Or, writes an A or B essay in all other regards, but contains several/some inaccurate information.

Writing – Incomplete sentences or not in essay form of multiple paragraphs. Spelling and grammar issues hinder reader’s ability to understand author. Needs better organization to avoid jumping around.

D – Below Average/Unsatisfactory (60-70 points)

Content – Does not answer all parts of the question or does so in an extremely broad or general way. Mentions some important issues but skips the majority of key points. Limited use of modules and relies on past knowledge of history. Contains multiple inaccuracies.

Writing – Incomplete sentences or not in essay form of multiple paragraphs. Spelling and grammar issues hinder reader’s ability to understand author. Poor organization of material. Does not meet minimum length requirement.

F – Far Below Average/Failing (25-60 points)

Content – Does not answer all parts of the question. Mentions a few important issues, but does so in an extremely broad or general way. Skips the majority of key points and contains multiple inaccuracies. Relies largely on past knowledge of history and use of modules not apparent.

Writing – No organization and not in essay form. Difficult to understand multiple points due to writing issues. Does not meet minimum length requirement.

No credit (0 points)

Did not complete exam, did not answer question posed, plagiarized/academic integrity violation, uses any non-assigned material, or did not submit in Word (.doc or .docx) format.

This question has been answered.

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