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Category Millions ($)
Revenue $28,636,877
Direct Costs $30,163,207
Gross Profit
Game Expenses (schedule 1) $1,409,413
Team Expenses (schedule 2) $9,265,339
Administrative Expenses (Schedule 3) $12,595,028
Debt Service (Schedule 4) $352,746
Total Expenses: $28,557,252
Operating Income: $79,625 (Gross Profit minus Total Expenses)
Sources of Revenue:
Ticket Revenue $5,500,361
Media Rights $359,211
Student Fees $4,168,992
Direct Institutional Support $3,139,279
Indirect Institutional Support $1,253,209
Guarantees $27,700
Contributions $9,497,167
NCAA Distributions $495,236
Conference Distributions $193,071
Program, Novelty, Parking and Concession Sales $817,620
Royalties, Licensing ,Advertisement and Sponsorships $2,422,997
Athletics Restricted Endowment and Investments Income $367,827
Other Operating Revenue $1,647,416
Assets $1 ,404,067
Direct Costs:
Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion $2,741,150
Indirect Institutional Support $1,253,209
Other Operating Expenses $2,612,441
Spirit Groups $286,627
Schedule 1: Game Expenses:
Game Expenses $450,516
Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leases and Rental Fee $352,746
Guarantees $606,151
Total Game Expenses: $1,409,413
Schedule 2: Team Expenses:
Team Travel $3,611,050
Medical Expenses and Insurance $119,555
Athletic Student Aid $3,958,886
Recruiting $496,297
Sports Equipment, Uniforms and Supplies $1,079,551
Total Team Expenses: $9,265,339
Schedule 3: Administrative Expenses:
Direct Overhead and Adminstrative Expenses $883,878
Memberships and Dues $95,064
Coaching Salaries, Benefits and Bonuses $7,699,172
Support Staff/Administrative Compensation $3,602,914
Severance Payments $314,000
Total Admin. Expenses: $12,595,028
Schedule 4: Debt Service:
Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Proncipal and Interest $352,746
Total Debt Service: $352,746

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