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Neighborhood Location & Boundaries

History -❖ Origins date back to civil war period❖ Migration for jobs at many mills❖ Mills provided job opportunity for 100 years❖ Mills closed after WWI due to the great

depression❖ Introduction of “The Avenue” 36th st and

Honfest❖ Popularized Hampden and brought a new

demographic of ‘hipsters’, artists and more

Presentation Notes
>Mills including flour, tobacco and cotton>The avenue became a big attraction with many popularized stores and restaurants including cafe hon which is a baltimore staple. Brought tourism. Also “miracle on 34th st” which is a christmas celebration where the street houses are decked out in elaborate christmas decoration. >Honfest- hon festival is a celebration of baltimore culture and involves festivities such as dressing up in 1960s beehive hairdos.

History Needs Assessment -❖ Available resources were abundant due to mills and employment❖ Low available housing due to increased population❖ Current housing conditions may be impacted as well❖ Increased popularization = increased overall cost of living❖ Observed needs met: art & culture, shopping, community, education,

recreation❖ Observed needs not met: cheap food, available housing❖ I have learned about the culture of Baltimore through the study of Hampden’s

many festivities

Presentation Notes
>housing needs could be threatened since tourism and mill employment, new desire to live somewhere ‘hip’ and ‘lively’ >current housing conditions may be impacted like increased housing cost and modernization>surrounding restaurants and buildings have increased pricing due to swarm of tourism – could impact low income families severely>hampden has abundance of art and cultural events/buildings as well as shopping stores like thrift/vintage stores, they also pride themselves on their strong sense of community >neighboring schools = hampden elementary and middle schools, medfield heights elementary school>park=roosevelt park, wyman park>the needs not met could include cheap food access, no fast food locations seem to be close or cheap grocery stores>also the problem of available housing due to rise of tourism

History Critical Reflection -❖ Seems like a very ‘going out’ neighborhood not a easy living space❖ Residents must be well off in order to maintain the neighborhoods high living

cost❖ Neighborhood as revenue for meeting all needs❖ Prioritizing culture and tourism

Demographic Information & Data -Erika● Older age group● High education

levels● Mainly white

community● White collar workers● More family

households without children

● High income● Even male to female


Demographic Information & Data Needs Assessment -● Needs:

○ Lacking racial diversity○ Available housing

● Needs met:○ Great community○ Restaurants & Shops○ Relatively affordable for

the residents

Demographic Information & Data: Critical Reflection -● Most, if not all needs, are met for the residents

of Hampden● Many households have white collar workers

without children so they are more likely to have the ability to handle the higher living costs.

Economy -Median Household Income


(niche.com )

Household Income Brackets






As seen above, hampden is above average in income. Hamden also harbors many low income citizens with around 32 percent earning under $44,000 a year. This could be explained by the many part time and low income jobs held by college students living in the area, because hamden is right next to loyola university, and Johns Hopkins University.

From the Streets-EconomyHampden uptown is filled with unique shops and places to eat, fueled by small hipster bars and vegan shops with a quality restaurant in between each. This neighborhood truly shows its colors as a college town developed around Baltimore.

Economic Needs AssessmentSeeing as though a large bit of Hampdens economy is supported by the colleges nearby, the main need to keep economic growth increasing would be more housing for college students. As stated before, the growing population of this community is making housing less readily available and more expensive. This means that the colleges will be able to accept more people and make more money for the city from tuition and housing payments.

Reflection of Economic NeedsHampden is a thriving neighborhood that seems less touched by negative aspects. The economic resources available are sufficient when compared to national statistics, meaning that this is a more well off neighborhood.

Cultural Elements –

● Hampden is home to the annual Hon Festival (HonFest) which started in 1994 as Baltimore’s Best Hon Pageant. Later, it became a nationally recognized festival that covers four city blocks along West 36th Street.

● HampdenFest, which happens in the month of september, is a festival to celebrate Hampden’s merchants and residents with live music and events such as the toilet bowl race.

● Every year, homeowners of Hampden’s 34th Street celebrates the Christmas holiday by decorating their homes with Christmas decorations and lights. Many people from different areas of the U. S. come to see this attraction.

Presentation Notes
In recent years, Baltimore has embraced a few new aspects of the traditional Hampden culture from generations before.The Hon festival is named after the term “Hon”, the bawlmer term of endearment, short for “honey”.

Cultural Needs AssessmentHampdens festivals mostly focus on the tradition residents started back in the later years of Hampden around the 1960s. Honfest, HampdenFest, and the Christmas holiday celebration on 34th Street are all pretty inclusive to all age groups.

Reflection of Cultural NeedsHampden has a wide range of festivities going on year-round. Festivals like Honfest, HampdenFest, and the Christmas holiday celebration on 34th Street, invite so many people from the area and from far away to come together to celebrate and appreciate the great culture Hampden has to offer.

Available Resources–❏ Markets/Convenience Stores

❏ MOM’s Organic Market ❏ Royal Farms ❏ Giant Food

❏ Pharmacy ❏ Rite Aid

❏ Park(s)❏ Roosevelt Park

❏ Elementary/ Middle/High School❏ Academy For College And Career

Exploration ❏ Hampden Elementary School ❏ Robert Poole Middle School

❏ Universities:❏ John Hopkins University

❏ Libraries❏ Enoch Pratt Free Library

Available Resources Need Assessment ❏ Markets:

❏ Out of all the markets/convenience stores listed Giant is the highest price. ❏ MOMs Organic is cheaper than a lot of markets, however it is not a full blown grocery store. ❏ Royal Farms would be the cheapest, however there are no fresh produce.

❏ Pharmacy ❏ The pharmacy offers individuals a way to get their needs without paying an insane amount of

money.❏ Parks:

❏ Only one park is available in Hampden and the park is spacious for family members and kids to enjoy.

❏ Schools/Universities❏ Provides the best education possible.

❏ Libraries ❏ There is only one library, however the library offers various amounts of services for the

Hampden community.

Presentation Notes
Although there is only one pharmacy in the Hampden area…

Available Resources Critical Reflection ❏ Offers a numerous amount of activities for the community ❏ Johns Hopkins University is a very expensive school, however there are no

community colleges.❏ The neighborhood gives the community opportunities to enjoy festivities and

holidays with one another.

Presentation Notes
I.E. The library have computers, the park offers a way to get children’s energy out

Timonium-History/Location● Known for the Timonium race track, and named after theTimonium Mansion● The most notable surrounding Area for Timonium is Towson directly South and Baltimore directly south of that.

DemographicsStatistic Timonium Maryland National

Population 10,559 5,959,902 318,558,162

Population density (sq mi) 1,972 474 91

Median age 49.8 38.3 37.7

Male/Female ratio 0.9:1 0.9:1 1.0:1

Married (15yrs & older) 64% 54% 55%

Families w/ Kids under 18 38% 44% 43%

Speak English 86% 82% 79%

Speak Spanish 2% 7% 13%

As one can see above, Timonium seems to harbor an older population that is more likely to be married. This means that timonium is most likely used as a middle class suburb: supported bymedian income of $60-100k a year. Timonium is also over 85% white, 3% African American, 9%Asian, and 3% of other (AreaVibes.com).

Economy● Timonium, being a middle class suburb, will most likely have the majority of

employment outside of the actual neighborhood mostly in Baltimore, Md.● This being said, Timonium’s domestic economy, is put on stilts because of the

Timonium Fairgrounds and Race Track, that has many events throughout each year.

Culture● Nothing sticks out too much for Timonium, other than the many cultural/ethnic

celebrations that take place in the Fairground like one named Greek Fest● Other than this, Timonium is mostly just like a stereotypical liberal moderate

American neighborhood

Needs● Timonium seems to be very comparatively well from the rest of the United

states, and therefore does not have too much on its needs plate. However, the cost of living is also much higher than much of the United States.

● One thing Timonium might need is a larger support net for lower income households as well as more affordable housing.

● More Jobs would also be nice seeing that only 70% of the population use salary as a main source of income.

Reflection● Seeing as though Timonium is a more well off area, I was surprised to find out

how little of a support net my neighborhood had for lower income families.● It seem as though, since it’s a nice neighborhood, it would be able to

comfortably support everyone inside of it, but there aren’t many jobs close by, that someone could climb the ladder up to a high income.

● Another issue I found out was the housing for lower income households.

Comparison● Hampden and Timonium are both very similar areas, seeing as though

timonium also has housing for a college nearby, aka Towson University.● Both of these areas are basically economically supported by Baltimore and

the people that commute to work there. ● Hampden is more of a town than a suburb, whereas Timonium is more of a

suburb than a town● Both areas also faced difficulty with housing and support of lower income






“Yelp Baltimore.” Yelp, 2 Sept. 2013, www.yelp.com/topic/baltimore-whole-foods-trader-joes-or-moms-organic.

About HONfest



  • Hampden
  • Neighborhood Location & Boundaries
  • History –
  • History Needs Assessment –
  • History Critical Reflection –
  • Demographic Information & Data -Erika
  • Demographic Information & Data Needs Assessment –
  • Demographic Information & Data: Critical Reflection –
  • Economy –
  • From the Streets-Economy
  • Economic Needs Assessment
  • Reflection of Economic Needs
  • Cultural Elements –
  • Cultural Needs Assessment
  • Reflection of Cultural Needs
  • Available Resources–
  • Available Resources Need Assessment
  • Available Resources Critical Reflection
  • Timonium-History/Location
  • Demographics
  • Economy
  • Culture
  • Needs
  • Reflection
  • Comparison
  • Citations

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