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A recent article in The Washington Post, Sleep Deprived America, summarized a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study which examined self-reported sleep habits of adults in the US.
According to the article: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just published their first national survey of sleep for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In many respects, it’s consistent with our image of ourselves as bleary-eyed insomniacs downing triple espresso shots and melatonin pills as we stare at our iPhones like zombies. The CDC found that more than a third of American adults are not getting the recommended amount of seven-plus hours of sleep on a regular basis.”
What type of study design do you think the researchers used? Why?
What were the research questions?
What were the independent and dependent variables?
What statistical techniques do think the researchers used in this study?
What would be another study design that would be appropriate to examine sleep habits among adults? How would you conduct this study?
What other information would you want to examine? What statistical techniques would you use? Why?


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