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A thesis statement is the basis of every essay that explicitly lays out the arguments that you intend to explore in the paper. It helps to test your ideas by breaking them down into one or two sentences. A thesis also enables you to organize and develop your ideas in a better way that readers can easily comprehend. It also points to your readers the direction that the argument will take.

A thesis statement should appear in the first paragraph so your readers know what to expect in the rest of the paper.

What Makes a Good Thesis Statement?

The fundamental role of a thesis statement is to answer the question (s) that your paper seeks to explore. It answers the HOW and WHY question regarding your topic in a simple language that readers can grasp instantly. However, there are unique qualities of a good thesis statement that you must keep in mind when writing the paper.


A strong thesis statement should give your readers the specific issue that the paper seeks to tackle. Showing the exact argument of your paper will make the topic manageable. Refrain from writing vague and general statements in the thesis since that would only confuse your readers.

Justifies discussion

A powerful thesis statement should clearly indicate the point of discussion in the paper. The statement must comprise a claim or something to be argued. It should be a statement that ignites a discussion. A good strategy for developing a strong thesis is to show that your claim is controversial. However, you should remember a claim can only be arguable if you have evidence to support it. Besides, the argument should be one that you can effectively support within the given scope of the paper.


It is true that thesis statements can be based on or influenced by other writers’ arguments. However, you should try to come up with an original thesis that gives your paper a sense of authenticity. The thesis should not merely repeat the arguments of another writer.

Concise and clear

A strong thesis statement should not be ambiguous or very long that your readers struggle to find the central argument. Instead, try to frame the claim into one, two or three short sentences that your readers can easily identify.

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Writing Thesis Statements for Different Types of Papers  

While every thesis statement attempts to introduce the key arguments of your paper, writing can take different approaches. The composition may vary based on the type of paper that you are writing. So, it is also important to consider the particular type of essay that you intend to write when crafting the thesis.

Analytical essays

An analytical paper mainly breaks down an idea or issue into different parts, evaluates it and presents that breakdown and analysis to the audience. Here is an example of a thesis statement for an analytical essay.

‘’An analysis of the college admission process reveals one significant challenge for counsellors; accepting learners with higher test scores or students with strong extracurricular backgrounds.’’

Assuming you are writing an essay with the above thesis statement, the rest of the paper should explain the analysis of the college admission process and the challenge facing the counsellors.

Expository essays

An expository essay offers a vivid explanation of a particular issue to the audience. It explores different angles of a specific topic to give information objectively. An example of a thesis statement for an expository essay could follow a similar pattern as shown below.

‘’the life of a college student mainly entails attending classes, writing assignments and socializing with their peers.’’

The essay should then, explain how students attend classes, write assignments and socialize in college.

Argumentative essays

An argumentative essay makes a claim about a particular subject then, justifies it with evidence. That claim could take the form of an opinion, an evaluation, a policy proposal, an interpretation or a cause-and-effect statement. The aim of an argumentative essay is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the tabled evidence. Here’s how you could frame a thesis statement for an argumentative essay.

‘’Students who graduate from high school should take a year off to pursue community service programs to enhance their maturity and global awareness.’’

The essay that follows should provide evidence to support the claim that students should take part in community service projects before joining college.

Sometimes, you may also be tasked with writing thesis statements for different academic papers from the ones mentioned above. Even then, you should always try to place the thesis statement at the start of the paper. Remember the topic may shift as you continue writing the rest of the paper, so, you may need to revise the thesis to reflect the discussion therein.

Generating a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Assigned

Almost all academic papers can be reduced to one specific question or thesis statement. Thus, your first task should be to synthesize the topic into a specific question or statement. Assume you have an assignment that requires you to write a report to the local school board explaining the potential benefits of using computers in class.

Then, you could turn the assignment into a question like, ‘’what are the potential benefits of using computers in class?’’ After choosing the question that your paper will respond to, write one or two sentences to answer that question.

Question: ‘’What are the potential benefits of using computers in class?’’

Answer: ‘’The potential benefits of using computers in class are…’’ OR ‘’Using computers in class can improve…’’

The answer to the question is the thesis statement for your essay.

Writing a Thesis Statement if the Topic is not Assigned

Sometimes, you will be required to write a paper based on a topic of your choice. Even then, the thesis statement should answer a question that you intend to explore in the paper. In such a situation, your task will be to figure out the question that you would like to write about. The following tips can assist you in creating a thesis statement when you are not given a topic.

  • Identify a subject which reasonable people could agree on
  • Focus on one key idea
  • Assert your conclusions about an issue

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Thesis Statement

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a thesis statement:

  1. Being Too Broad or General:
  • Example: “Social media has a significant impact on society.”
  • Problem: This statement is too vague. It doesn’t specify what kind of impact or what aspects of society are affected.
  • Solution: Be specific. “The rise of social media has led to increased political polarization by creating echo chambers and reinforcing pre-existing biases.”

thesis statement

  1. Making a Statement of Fact:
  • Example: “The Earth is round.”
  • Problem: This is a well-established fact, not an argument to be debated.
  • Solution: Focus on a debatable issue or an argument that needs to be proven. “The flat Earth theory is a dangerous misconception that can have harmful consequences on scientific literacy.”
  1. Using Weak or Vague Language:
  • Example: “Shakespeare’s plays are really interesting.”
  • Problem: “Interesting” is subjective and doesn’t provide a clear argument.
  • Solution: Use stronger, more specific language. “Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony in ‘Hamlet’ effectively exposes the hypocrisy of the characters and underscores the play’s central themes of revenge and morality.”
  1. Including Too Many Ideas:
  • Example: “The benefits of exercise include improved physical health, mental well-being, and increased lifespan, while the drawbacks include time commitment and potential injuries.”
  • Problem: This statement tries to cover too much ground. It’s difficult to argue all of these points effectively within a single thesis.
  • Solution: Focus on one main point and provide strong evidence to support it. “Regular exercise significantly improves mental health by reducing stress levels and boosting mood.”
  1. Using First or Second Person:
  • Example: “I believe that…” or “You should…”
  • Problem: A thesis statement should be objective and avoid personal opinions.
  • Solution: Stick to third person. “The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare has the potential to revolutionize patient care.”
  1. Asking a Question:
  • Example: “What is the role of technology in modern society?”
  • Problem: A thesis statement should make a clear argument, not ask a question.
  • Solution: Transform the question into a statement. “Technology plays a critical role in shaping modern society, influencing communication, information access, and economic development.”
  1. Failing to Take a Stand:
  • Example: “There are both positive and negative aspects to social media.”
  • Problem: This statement is neutral and doesn’t present a clear argument.
  • Solution: Take a definite stance. “Despite its potential benefits, social media has a negative impact on mental health due to its addictive nature and the pressure to maintain a perfect online persona.”
  1. Being Too Short or Choppy:
  • Example: “Movies are entertaining.”
  • Problem: A good thesis statement should be clear, concise, and comprehensive.
  • Solution: Expand on the main idea. “Action movies appeal to a wide audience due to their high-octane stunts, adrenaline-pumping narratives, and relatable characters.”
  1. Making Unprovable Claims:
  • Example: “Cats are the best pets in the world.”
  • Problem: This statement is subjective and difficult to prove objectively.
  • Solution: Use a statement that can be supported with evidence. “Cats are known for their independent nature and low-maintenance lifestyle, making them a popular choice for busy pet owners.”

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can craft a strong thesis statement that effectively guides your essay and presents a clear argument for your reader.

thesis statement

Get the Best Nursing Essay Writing Help

A thesis statement is an essential part of the essay that forms the foundation of your argument. And, that is why a lot of emphasis should be placed on refining the thesis to reflect what is discussed in the paper. In case you are having problems crafting a strong thesis statement, simply engage us at Academia Scholars for professional assignment writing services. We are available round-the-clock to help you with writing original nursing essays, research papers, case studies and dissertations.

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