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Choose the topic Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse: Laws requiring the mandated reporting of child abuse have been enacted in every state in the United States. Mandated reporting laws cross disciplines (counseling, psychology, medicine, nursing, education, etc.). Some professionals have criticized these laws on the basis of interfering with their professional relationship with children.

You will prepare a comprehensive 15 pages paper that analyzes all of the following areas from a cross-disciplinary perspective:

1) Define the human service policy topic you have chosen from a cross-disciplinary perspective. What are the problems, areas, and disciplines that you will explore in your paper? (3 pages)

2) Briefly summarize and review the relevant federal and state regulations, laws, or court rulings relevant to your topic. (3 pages)

3) How do these laws and regulations impact the provision of services? Ensure you address the impact the development of budgets, management of staff and volunteers, the ability to engage in advocacy efforts in this analysis.  (6 pages)

4) What future research/policies/law/regulations are needed to address this issue adequately? (3 pages)

APA 6th edition format is required for this assignment. You must use a minimum of 12 scholarly sources NOT including the textbooks to support your analysis.


Herzberg, J. T. (2015). Foundations in human services practice: A generalist perspective on individual, agency, and community. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. ISBN: 9780205858255; eISBN:9780205982233

Karger, H. J. & Stoesz, D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134628127; eISBN: 9780134543468  

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