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Assignment 1 (5 Pages)

Conduct a review of literature related to the unique needs of providing

service to clients who have been incarcerated or have criminal charges

pending. Analyze the challenges a human services provider would have in

providing services to these clients. Include in your analysis any potential

ethical issues you might face in providing services. Identify how you would

manage or address these issues. Your paper should be at least five pages in

length and should be supported by 6 scholarly sources.

Assignment 2 (5 Page)

Sexually violent predators are among the most feared and the most

ridiculed individuals in our society. Some states have enacted legislation to

allow civil commitment of sexually violent predators once they have been

released from prison. After conducting your own research, form an opinion

on this topic and present an argument reflecting your position for or

against the civil commitment of sexually violent predators in least a 5 page

persuasive essay.

Cite at least four professional sources to support your argument. Your

paper should be formatted in APA 6th edition.

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