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IHP 510 Module Six Worksheet

First, review the required text readings for Module Six and revisit your posts and response posts to the Module Five discussion. In addition, review the website and complete the following:

· Select a total of three different target markets and three different demographics.

Choose One Target Market:

Choose One Demographic:

Low income


Middle income


Affluent income



For your second and third sets, choose a different target market and a different demographic.

For example, if the first selection is low-income Asian population, then my second selection could be middle income Black population, and my third selection could be affluent Hispanic population.

· Select one department, program or service from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. For example, if the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is selected, you will use this same program with your selected target markets and demographics.

· Prioritize your target markets/demographics as Priority One, Priority Two, and Priority Three based on the particular department, program, or services you selected.

· Identify the marketing technique you will use for each priority (use one traditional, one social media, and one other). For example, do not select traditional marketing for all three.

· For the discussion, write at least three paragraphs. Explain why you selected this particular population as a priority and why you selected this particular program and discuss the marketing technique you propose to target that demographic. Also, explain how your advertising campaign aligns with the department’s mission, vision, and values.

To use this worksheet, replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Please see the example below.

Note: For the follow-up worksheet task in Module Eight, you will complete a basic budget for implementing the marketing strategies you develop here.


Priority One

Target Market/Demographic: Low-income – White population

Department/Program/Service: Oral Health

Marketing Technique: Television Commercial(s)


[insert paragraphs]

Priority Two

Target Market/Demographic: Middle-income – African American population

Department/Program/Service: Oral Health

Marketing Technique: Social Media


[insert paragraphs]

Priority Three

Target Market/Demographic: Affluent – White population

Department/Program/Service: Oral Health

Marketing Technique: Digital Billboards


[insert paragraphs]

Priority One

Target Market and Demographic: [Insert text.]

Department/Program/Service: [Insert text.]

Marketing Technique: [Insert text.]

Discussion: [Insert paragraphs.]

Priority Two

Target Market and Demographic: [Insert text.]

Department/Program/Service: [Insert text.]

Marketing Technique: [Insert text.]

Discussion: [Insert paragraphs.]

Priority Three

Target market and demographic: [Insert text.]

Department/Program: [Insert text.]

Marketing technique: [Insert text.]

Discussion: [Insert paragraphs.]


[Insert text.]


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