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Impact of Organizational Behavior on Outcome


Subject Business Pages 3 Style APA


Intensive competition and increasing demands posed by customers and other stakeholders, are some of the factors forcing firms to monitor and improve individual behavior with the intent of optimizing performance. This statement is evident in the following four care scenarios. It is upon these scenarios depicting job satisfaction and attitudes of different employees, that this paper adopts theories to evaluate the impact of individual behavior on business outcome.

  1. Attitude and job satisfaction of each of the four employees

The first employee taking the role of a social media marketing administrator ticks the cognitive dissonance theory meaning that he exhibits incompatibility between more than one attitude, and behavior. This employee has a negative attitude towards job involvement. This is explained by his unwillingness to put his performance over self-worth. This employee expresses dissatisfaction through exit as he has been warned for lateness.

The second employee works as an engineer. She has a negative attitude arising from the perceived lack of organizational support. She feels stressed that the organization does not care about her wellbeing. She remains loyal and hopeful that the conditions will improve but expresses dissatisfaction by neglecting new initiatives and failing to contribute ideas.

The third scenario is a customer service representation. This employee has a negative attitude due to low job satisfaction. He complains about poor work conditions. This employee shows dissatisfaction by voicing concerns to the other employees in an attempt to create awareness and improve conditions. The other employees also show exit behavior as they constantly call in sick.

The fourth scenario is depicted by a quality control administrator. The Asian employee has a disengaged attitude about her job. She feels underappreciated, detached, and uninvolved in the organization. She shows dissatisfaction by developing disillusionment. Her loyalty is fading and she might exit the organization since she is insecure.

  1. Responses to Dissatisfaction

The four employees, each show different responses to the dissatisfaction with their jobs. The first employee responds by reporting late to work resulting to several warnings. The second employee is loyal but because of the stressful work environment, she withdraws from contributing ideas and refrains from taking new initiatives. The third employee responds to work related stress by venting and inciting other employees in the break-room. They collectively call-in requesting for sick days. The fourth employee feels disengaged and thus, waiting for her exit from the organization.

  1. Impact of attitude and job dissatisfaction on profits, turnover, and attitude of other employees

The lack of job involvement by the first employee potentially reduces productivity of the firm since failure to expand on the results means that the firm will achieve less conversions on its social media platforms. As a result, the organization will realize increased marketing costs and less profit margins (Judge et al. 2017). In addition, the dissatisfaction could lead to exit of the employees. This outcome not only increases employee turnover, but also forces the organization to incur additional costs in attracting, hiring, and training employees.

The employee in the second scenario feels like the organization is not supportive of her wellbeing. She is vulnerable to burnout which will affect both her wellbeing and productivity. These factors lower her ability to focus and address engineering problems which could lead to failure of machines or work place accidents as a result of negligence and lack of attention to detail (Alromaihi, Alshomaly & George, 2017). In addition, she has shown signs of disengagement by failing to embrace new initiatives and contribute ideas. This negative attitude and job dissatisfaction only affects profitability since the employees is still loyal and hopeful that the conditions will improve.

The reaction by the third employee to the perceived dissatisfaction with the job has motivated rebellion among the other employees. The supervisor has reported increased call-in sick days by employees in the department. At an individual level, the employee is less motivated and thus less productive. The increased sick days and absenteeism translates to lost man-hours which reduce productivity while increasing possibility of employee turnover (Alromaihi, et al. 2017).

The fourth employee is disengaged and hopeless about working in the organization. This negative attitude and subsequent job dissatisfaction could have a negative impact on the organization in the sense that; the low levels of employee engagement reduces their willingness to take initiatives in satisfying customers. Low customer satisfaction translates to lost sales and low profit margins. The employee might also miss vital quality checks thus compromising product quality and customer satisfaction. These sets of challenges negatively impact profit margins and heightens chances of exit which translates to high turnover.

  1. Changing the employees attitudes for the better

As explained by Mintzberg, it requires a manager with leadership skills to effectively guide this employee into doing the right thing. The process might require training of the employee to enhance his competence in posting to various social media sites.

Solving the second challenge requires a resource allocator and a monitor. According to Nguyen and Vietnam (2016), resource allocators determine how best resources such as raw material and labor are distributed and used in an organization. It is important that the engineer is relieved off some duties and allocated a flexible working plan to help reduce stress and enhance her commitment to the job. The manager should further have skills of monitoring well-being and productivity of each employee to ensure that they are satisfied and adequately motivated.

Solving this problem requires a negotiator. Given that one employee is inciting the others, it is important that the employees are engaged in negotiations where they take part in discussions to improve the work conditions in the customer service department.

The fourth problem demands the skills of a monitor. Managers with these skills constantly seek information on issues facing employees and organizations and addressing them. In such a case, the Asian employee will be able to voice her concerns. The manager will assess and monitor the trends and help create a genuinely diverse organization.




Alromaihi, M. A., Alshomaly, Z. A., & George, S. (2017). Job satisfaction and employee performance: A theoretical review of the relationship between the two variables. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 6(1), 1-20.

Judge, T. A., Weiss, H. M., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Hulin, C. L. (2017). Job attitudes, job satisfaction, and job affect: A century of continuity and of change. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 356.

Nguyen, P., & Vietnam, C. F. (2016). On Henry Mintzberg’s Model of Managing. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Phuong_Nguyen463/publication/320267823_On_Henry_Mintzberg’s_Model_of_Managing/links/5ad8aee10f7e9b28593b5a56/On-Henry-Mintzbergs-Model-of-Managing.pdf

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