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Assignment Details


Unit 2 – Individual Project (100 points)

Due: Sun, May 21 |Printer Friendly Version


Case Study: Problem 2

Senior leadership at the Education Community Services Group (ECSG) has questioned the effectiveness of the current network administration processes and procedures to manage the network administration architecture, given the recent updates in hardware and software. Processes and procedures need to be improved. The current model will need to be evaluated; it will be assessed regarding whether it meets the new requirements of the enterprise; and a network administration management approach that matches the current and incoming network infrastructure for ECSG will be recommended.

Assignment Details

One of the first tasks in the development of a network administration architecture processes and procedures document is to evaluate the network administration infrastructure and the current processes and procedures. These processes and procedures consist of systems being monitored, managed, and updated throughout their life cycle.

Before adding the new content for Week 2, complete the following:

· Update the Network Administration Processes and Procedures document title page with the new date.

· Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor's feedback.

Week 2: Network Administration Processes Evaluation

Your focus in this project assignment will be to review the current network administration processes for your target organization and determine the process gaps that may exist between the current network architecture and the incoming architecture. You will document the processes that your target organization plans to implement to ensure it can effectively manage the network infrastructure going forward.

The project deliverables are as follows:

· Provide a categorized list of the network processes used to support major organizational processes.

· Provide documentation of the network administration tools that are used to support the capture, management, storage, preservation, and delivery of information technology.

· Provide documentation of the flow technology of the processes through the infrastructure.

Worked Example

Please refer to the worked example that follows for an example of this assignment based on the problem-based learning scenario. The worked example is not intended to be a complete example of the assignment, but it will illustrate the basic concepts that are required for completion of the assignment, and it can be used as a general guideline for your own project. Your assignment submission should be more detailed and specific and should reflect your own approach to the assignment rather than just following the same outline provided in the worked example.

Note that the worked example includes material from previous worked examples. The new material will be found under the Week 2 sections of the Table of Contents.

The worked example is provided   to help with this assignment.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Find resources on how to write academically and use APA citations, including an in the  .

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