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Complete the Path-Goal Leadership Instrument provided in Read: Northouse: Chapter 6. The leadership instrument is complex and utilizes several dimensions to assess your current leadership style and skills. The leadership instrument allows you to not only identify your current leadership styles and traits but also consider how you might utilize other skills and traits moving forward. Upon completion of the leadership instrument, please take some time to evaluate your responses and scores considering your current leadership style. Do the scores match your perceived leadership style? In your paper, you should provide a summary of your scores in paragraph form. Then, provide your thoughts on the scores, how you might utilize the identified leadership traits and what changes you might make moving forward.


· Summarize your scores on the leadership instrument in paragraph form.

· Provide your thoughts on scores. Where they what you expected? Where they something other than what you expected?

· Discuss how you might utilize the information gained from completing the leadership instrument. Would you make any changes to your style moving forward? How does the knowledge of the instrument scores impact your leadership now?

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