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1. Maximum Number of Pages = three (3), 8 ½” x 11” pages for the entire exam. Please submit

no more than two pages of responses and one page of references.

2. Paper Format (Also refer to the sample exam template posted on BB, Course Materials):

• Margins: 1-inch (top, bottom, sides)

• Font: 12-point

• Spacing for each question: Single-space (indent new paragraphs)

• Spacing between questions: Double-space

• Page numbers: Include page numbers on every page.

1) Choose one potential barrier to effective communication.

Selective perception: we selectively see and hear based on our expectations and beliefs.

• Discuss how your chosen barrier negatively impacted communication between two or more people/characters in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002).

2) Choose one source of conflict.

Collaborating: reflects a high concern for your own interests and high concern for the interests of the other party.

Compromising: is a conflict management style in which each side sacrifices something to end the conflict.

• Discuss how your chosen source of conflict lead to a disagreement between two or more people/characters in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002).

3) Choose one of the four kinds of leader behavior from the path-goal theory of leadership.


• Describe how one person/character in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002), demonstrated your chosen leader behavior.

4) Choose one of the elements of charismatic leadership in organizations.

Energizing: Demonstrating personal excitement, Expressing personal confidence, Seeking, finding, and using success.

Enabling: pressing personal, Empathizing, Expressing confidence in people.

• Use your chosen element to describe why one person/character in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002), could be classified as a charismatic leader.

5) • Choose one type of power.

Persuasive: Power due to the ability to use logic and facts to persuade.

Expert: power due to control because of knowledge, skills, or expertise.

Legitimate: power due to position of authority held.

• Provide one example of how one person/character in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002), utilized your chosen type of power.

6) • Choose one characteristic of organizational structure.

Division of labor: the extent to which employees specialize or generalize.

Hierarchy: the degree to which some employees have formal authority over others.

Centralization: the degree to which power and decision-making authority are concentrated at higher levels of the organization rather than disctributed.

• Choose one of the four organizations.

Centralized organizations: power and decision-making authority concentrated at higher levels, cleat line of communication and responsibility, decision implementation tends to be straightforward.

Mechanistic structure – Rigid, traditional bureaucracy – Hierarchical communication – Uniform job descriptions – May minimize costs – Slow to capitalize on new opportunities.

Decentralized organizations – Lower levels have more autonomy and authority for making decisions – Flatter structures, less need for middle management – Promotes product innovation and faster decision making – Best for nonroutine tasks in a complex environment.

Organic structure – Flexible, decentralized – Open communication channels – Focus on adaptability – Faster response to market and competitive changes – May increase job satisfaction and commitment.

• Describe how your chosen characteristic either helped OR hindered John Archibald’s (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002) interaction with your chosen organization in his quest to get a heart transplant for his son.

7) Describe one of the norms established by the hostages in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002).

8) • Choose one source of organizational resistance OR one source of individual resistance.

Threatened Expertise People move out of area of expertise.

Threatened Power Decentralized decision making.

Lack of Awareness: Isolated groups not heeding notices.

Social Factors: Group norms

• Describe how your one chosen source of resistance was illustrated in the movie, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002).


Griffin, R. W., Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2020). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Koules, M. B. O. (Producer), & Cassavetes, N. (Director). (2002). John Q [Motion Picture]. United States: New Line Cinema.

Watch the film/motion picture, John Q (Koules & Cassavetes, 2002). The film/motion picture

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