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This project involves a case study based on a fictional company,  Healthy Home Care, Inc. Youll assume the role of office manager, who is  responsible for creating the literature for a Welcome Package. The  promotional documents will be printed and placed in a folder to be  mailed to the director of a senior center. For this project, youll  complete four documents for the package:

  1. A cover letter discussing your partnership with a senior center
  2. A fact sheet highlighting the services and amenities you offer
  3. A flier promoting the next wellness clinic
  4. A pre-registration form


Create the following documents. Your score will be based on the rubric found in the scoring guidelines.

Create and Edit a Cover Letter

The Welcome Package includes a letter to the director of a senior center.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the style of the blank paragraph to No Spacing.
  3. Type the text shown below, pressing Enter to place one blank line where indicated, four blank lines in the closing, and four more blank lines before the word Enclosures, and beginning new paragraphs where indicated.


Ms. Alex Davis

Palms Senior Center

577 Palm Trail

Any Town, FL 12345

Dear Ms. Davis:

We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Palms Senior  Center to offer your clients in-home services that complement the  services you provide. Healthy Home Care, Inc., services include visiting  nurses, personalized nutrition counseling, physical therapy, light  housekeeping and cooking, and companionship through card games, board  games, and letter writing.

As discussed, our partnership with Palms Senior Center will include  sponsorship of the Healthy Home Care, Inc., Club Room at your facility.  Our updated brochure includes the amenities the Club Room will offer and  we already have seen an overwhelming response to the weekly therapy  dogs.

Enclosed are 20 copies of the Healthy Home Care, Inc., fact sheet for  you to distribute. Also enclosed are fliers about our next wellness  clinic to take place in the Club Room. The wellness clinic is free to  anyone who completes a no-obligation pre-registration form, also  enclosed.

Please feel free to call me at (123) 456-7890 with any questions or concerns.

In good health,

Malik Wyatt

Office Manager

Healthy Home Care, Inc.

456 Olive Ave.

Any Town, FL 12345



  1. Replace the word Date with a timestamp displaying a date that updates automatically in the format Month, Date, Year.
  2. Edit the first paragraph to display the Healthy Home Care, Inc.,  services as a bulleted list with each item starting with an uppercase  letter, .

We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Palms Senior  Center to offer your clients in-home services that complement the  services you provide. Healthy Home Care, Inc., services include:

  • Visiting nurses
  • Personalized nutrition counseling
  • Physical therapy
  • Light housekeeping and cooking
  • Companionship through card games, board games, and letter writing.
  1. Bold the three occurrences of Healthy Home Care, Inc., within the body of the letter.
  2. Save the document, naming it Healthy Home Care letter.

Create a Fact Sheet

The Fact Sheet needs to display the Healthy Home Care, Inc., services in large print.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the style of the blank paragraph to No Spacing.
  3. Type the text shown below, pressing Enter to start new paragraphs where shown.
  4. Change the margins to 2 inches on the left and right and 1 inch on top and bottom.
  5. Replace the first two lines of text with appropriately formatted  WordArt that has a Wrap Text format of Square and is centered above 

Healthy Home Care, Inc.

We Provide Services with Heart

Who is Healthy Home Care, Inc.? A network of qualified personnel to meet your in-home health care needs.

Where is Healthy Home Care, Inc., located? We are your hometown  provider with a Club Room at Palms Senior Center for group interaction.

What services does Healthy Home Care, Inc. provide?

Visiting nurses

Personalized nutrition counseling

Physical therapy

Light housekeeping and cooking

Companionship through card games, board games, and letter writing


Create a Flier

The flier will promote the Wellness Clinic at Palms Senior Center.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the document orientation to Landscape.
  3. Type the text shown below.

Wellness Clinic*

Where: Club Room at Palms Senior Center

When: Wednesday, 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M

Complimentary healthy lunch provided

*Please see Director for no-obligation Healthy Home Care, Inc.,  pre-registration form, which must be turned in for admission to Wellness  Clinic.

  1. Change the margins to 0.3 inch on all sides.
  2. Your document should look similar to that shown below. 
  3.  Change the margins to 0.3 inch on all sides. 
  • Format the title in Comic Sans MS 72 point, bold, dark green.
  • Select the next three lines of text and apply the Heading 1 style.
  • Modify the Heading 1 style with the following formats: 
  1. Arial 26 point bold
  2. Dark gray color
  3. Center alignment
  • Format the last line of text with 2-inch right and left indents and then change the font to Arial 9 point.
  • In the blank paragraph after Complimentary, insert an appropriate clip art image of fruit.


Create a Pre-Registration Form

The pre-registration form will be used to compile names of prospective clients.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Insert a 5 by 11 table.
  3. Merge the cells in the top row.
  4. Select only Header Row in Table Style Options and then select a table style with blue shading in the first row.

Healthy Home Care, Inc.

Pre-registration form



City:  State:  Zip:  Phone:

Circle services you would like to know more about:

Visiting Nurse:  Nutrition Counseling:  Shopping:  Cooking:  Light Cleaning:

Organization:  Physical Therapy:  Activities:  Other:

Please use this space to write your questions:

  1. Format the first line of the form title text as Arial 20 point,  bold, and the second line as Arial 16 point, regular, as shown below.


  1. Merge cells so the Name and Address fields are full width, City and  Phone are larger than State and Zip, and the instruction lines are also  full width.
  2. After merging cells in the last (blank) row, change the row height  to 4.5 inches. Change the row heights of the cells containing text to  0.3 inch. Your form should look similar to the figure below.

 Save the document, naming it Healthy Home Care Pre-Registration Form. 

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