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It’s the moment of truth: the first step in introducing the new project to senior management. The senior management team is located in another state and wants to hear your pitch remotely. They have given you five minutes to deliver your pitch during a leadership meeting.

Create and record an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to include the following:

Introduction: Introduce your product or service.
How it fits: Describe how the product or service fits into the overall strategic plan and mission of the company.
Speculate about whether the product or service fits within the capabilities of the company based on your research from previous modules (use resources like Marketline.com, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).
Justification: Justify your suggestion based on the numbers.
What will be the revenue gain?
Speculate on an ROI that justifies the project for investors and/or senior management.
Enhancing the mission: Explain how the new product or service enhances the company’s overall mission.
Does it project profitability?
Support your position with information and data from the company’s 10K (use resources like Marketline.com, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).

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