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Benefits of XXXXXX Certification

Your Name


Chamberlain University

College of Nursing

**Please note, delete the wording in red and replace it with your own content before submitting.** 

You are encouraged to this template and add pictures/graphics.

Paraphrase/do not copy & paste content this includes data tables

Create speaker notes. These will assist you as you present and will be part of your assignment submission. 

Once your presentation is complete, follow the job aid located in the Canvas Week 4 module Part 2 directions on how to convert the PowerPoint to PDF format with speaker notes displayed.

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

 XXXXXX Certification

Certification Description: 

Details about certification:

Process to obtain clinical certification

Cost of application and testing

Requirements prior to certification

[Remember to cite and reference your source.]

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

Remember to use speaker notes 


 XXXXXX Certification

Details about certification:

Examination description

Renewal time and process

Required items for renewal 

[Remember to cite and reference your source.] 

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

Remember to use speaker notes 


Problem Description

Problem Statement:

Knowledge deficit r/t __________________certification among __________(target population and setting) as manifested by ___________________(patient outcomes).

Explanation of Problem Statement

Why was this certification selected?

Why are nurses not knowledgeable about the certification?

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

Scholarly Article Key Points 

Description should include

Summarize the key points from the peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article selected

Reminder: Use bullet points

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.

Scholarly Article Connection

Connect article to patient outcomes, certification, and leadership skills

Reminder: Use bullet points

1-2 slides

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.


Conclusion should include brief overview of:

Clinical Certification

Problem Description

Scholarly Article Key Points

Scholarly Article Connection

Summary of What was Learned 

1-2 slides

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.


CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.



Provide all references for all sources utilized in APA format, though a hanging indent is not needed.


Finkelman, A. (2020). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (4th ed.). Pearson.

CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.





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