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UK: +44 748 007-0908, USA: +1 917 810-5386 info@academiascholars.com

Our Services

Our services cover a wind range of academic disciplines, both technical and art. We have experts in math, statistics, geography, literature, business, medical sciences, education, history, English, accounting and finance, and computer sciences, among many others. As such, we have the capability of handling all types of exams and papers, some of which are highlighted below:

Essay Writing (Any type)

We are an academic writing service that has ventured into all essay types.
We tailor your essay and translate what was once complicated into an easy-to-do piece of work. We deal with essay types like ; Term paper, Book Report/ review, Research paper, Movie Review, Case Study, Course work, Speech/Presentation ,Lab Report, Article, Article Critique, Annotated Bibliography, Reaction Paper etc.

Proctored Exams

I know you’re asking yourself, “if it’s proctored, how can we help?” Yes we can! and we guarantee a high score. Aside from normal courses, we also are proficient in the following exams: NCLEX, GED, TEAS, ACT, ACCUPLACER, SAT, CLEP, HESI A2, PARCC, and HiSET among many others. 

Contact us today for a Quote and an explanation on how we can make this work for you.

Online Classes Help

Have you ever imagined having someone taking an entire class for you, such that you don’t have to worry about assignments, discussions, peer responses of even quizzes?  We have a service that takes this entire burden off your shoulders while you focus on your job. And the prices are exceedingly affordable. 

What’s more, most clients agree that ordering an entire class has so many advantages over individual assignments, as you get to enjoy a discounted price, consistent writer, timely submissions, among others. 

Assignment Wiriting

Assignments can be urgent with short timelines tagged to them. We are your academic partner. Your challenge is our pride. Engage us today

Dissertation Writing

Dissertation writing is apparently the longest assignment you will get in your Masters level!
It is a defining task. Without which, you may be around for some time before realizing your PhD dream. Our work is to give you that assurance because this is what we do on daily basis. Our many years of broad expertise enables us to figure out just what you need for your Dissertation.

Book Reviews

Give us the book title and relax. Your review will be with you shortly! Book reviews are ver specific as they need an intrinsic knowledge of the assigned book, and to most students, this is a nightmare, because you may be required to read the entire text. However, our experienced team of reviewers have developed insane scanning skills that enable them to conduct a complete book review within a matter of hours, so that you don’t miss that deadline. 

Homework Writing

So tired or mind packed with a lot of cares? We value that assignment!
Contact us and tell friends of your experience. Our tailor-made homework help is designed to take the stress off from your shoulders, while delivering the exact work that your tutor needs. All you will have to do is internalise the final paper, and assume ownership. It’s yours after all, cause you paid for it!

Report Writing

Do not be led to believe that since reports are long and complicated, they have some power to intimidate you. Not as long as we’re in business. We shall make the process simpler for you, and produce A+ reports that will gain you that much needed distinction. 

What a Gem!

I was stuck with my MSN final project, and almost dropped the course, until a dear
friend shared with me the link to this amazing website. The help I received, man – I still
feel that I didn’t pay enough. I had to gift my writer with an iPhone. I was just too happy!

Lorie, Nurse

Awesome Writers
When I ordered my paper, even me i couldn’t understand some of the things the
professor needed. My writer first tutored me to ensure we were on the same page, and
proceeded to deliver a masterpiece. It was too good to be true. I still use this site

McCarty, Wiley

I recommend!
My paper was delivered in time, and for my first time, I was given a crazy welcome
discount. From thence, I have been in love with these guys. Thank you for your help!

Audrey, Birmingham


My paper was delivered way before my deadline, and I dashed through it, noticed a few errors and took it back for review, and they did it for free! I submitted the revised copy and the results were amazing! Def gonna use you guys again.

Karamdeep, Australia

My Saviour

Covid-19 has ravaged my family for the better part of this year, and I haven’t had the time nor the energy to attend to my assignments and term papers. A friend directed me to this site, and man, I can’t be more grateful. Thank you Academiascholars.com, a real life-saver

Shaunda, US

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