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Read the following case carefully. Then write a one page, single spaced persuasivemessage following the task instructions. Make sure to follow what you have learnedfrom Chapter 9 when writing this message, using the AIDA approach.

As someone who came of age in the “post email” world of blogs, wikis, social networksand other Web 2.0 technologies, you were rather disappointed to find your newemployer solidly stuck in the age of email. While you use email, it is only one of manytools you use to communicate (both personally and professionally). In fact, your use ofsocial media on the job has recently allowed you to find potential sales contacts atseveral large companies, connect with peers from other companies, and learn aboutsome upcoming legislative matters that could hamper your company’s current way ofdoing business (not to mention it’s how you found this job).

Sadly, waiting in your email in-box this morning was a message from the CEO,announcing that the company is now cutting off access to social networking websitesand banning the use of any social media at work. The message says that usingcompany time and computers for socializing is highly inappropriate and might beconsidered grounds for dismissal in the future if the problem gets out of hand.

Your task: Send a message to your immediate superior explaining why you believe thenew policy should be reversed. Using your boss’s favorite medium (email, of course)write a persuasive message, explaining why Facebook, Twitter, and other social mediaplatforms are valid and valuable business tools.

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