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Question A
Alfred Hitchcock reputedly said, “When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, “It’s in the script.” If he says, “But what’s my motivation,” I say, “Your salary.” Discuss motivation based on extrinsic rewards in comparison to that motivated by intrinsic rewards. Are different types of motivations preferable for different tasks? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post.

Question B
Social cognitive theory suggests that our beliefs and feelings influence our behavior. What beliefs (cognitive factors) might be related to the specific behavior of going to college? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post.
Select one of the personality tests from Similar Minds (Personality Tests (similarminds.com)). Take the test, read your results and reproduce them in your journal. What parts of the results ring true to you? What do not? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post.


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