What is the mission of the school and how do you involve your School Advisory Committee and staff to carry out the mission of your school?
2) How do you and your teachers accommodate and discipline exceptional education students to ensure appropriate discipline for exceptional educational students?
3) Cite at least one situation where you as the principal had to consider both teacher and student rights? What did you do and what was the result of the situation?
4) Describe how you work with employee union representatives? (Support Staff and Teacher Unions)
5) Have you ever non-reappointed a teacher or not supported an employee? Explain.
6) Have you ever had employee(s) file a grievance? Why or why not? What provisions of the contract were said to have been violated?
7) What is your policy on a teacher’s right to speak on controversial issues in the classroom? Must they get prior permission from you? What if they insist on speaking on a controversial subject, what do you do?
Sample Solution