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In this assignment, let’s suppose you have all the supplies and techniques you need, consider what we have learned in this course, and propose a method or
strategy to protect our environment, reduce, reuse and recycle what we are consuming every day.
In your assignment, try to answer all the following questions:
1. briefly summarize your idea (20 points, images, flowchart, or other media are welcome. The idea can be your unique thinking, imagination, or method used
currently, but try your best to be specific and detailed. For example, do not simply talk about recycling in general, you can talk about recycling paper: do some
research to find out the facts about the production and processing of paper, and the current process of paper recycling. Make sure to explain any new
aspect(s) of the method you proposed.
2. What do you need to conduct the method? (12 points, explain the cost, resources, technology, and energy in need to complete your idea/method)
3. What are the benefits of the method? (15 points, compared with the current procedure, what you can save with your method? How much can you save for
each resource?)
4. In which biome your method works better, or work well in every biome? Explain why. (8 points, grassland, forest, freshwater, ocean, etc.)
5. possible cited reference. (4 points)



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