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Discussion 2 – Reviewing Research Problem Statements

Interest Topic- The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Problem Statement 

     Diversity encompasses creating an inclusive environment that recognizes every individual’s differences, thus allowing employees to work effectively to achieve the anticipated organizational goals (Tally & Jotter, 2020). Most organizations have established principles and guidelines to enhance diversity, but most regulations are ineffective. Organizations are still struggling with creating an inclusive and equal working environment that allows employees to realize the full potential of the organizational culture.  As a teacher at Mississippi Achievement School District, I have experienced the struggle to create an inclusive environment, which has affected productivity and employee engagement.

     The problem is that  resistance to change is still prevalent in organizations, including Mississippi Achievement Public Schools, which has hindered the establishment of inclusive and equal environments. The purpose of the study is to implement strategies to help improve changes in the workplace.  Today, change is a significant problem in the workplace. For example, most employees may find it hard to adhere to new policies and organizational culture. Changing the corporate culture requires “collaboration among all the stakeholders to enhance effective adherence” (Tally and Jotter, 2020, p.162).

     Unfortunately, employees become accustomed to changes, significantly if changes directly impact their routine operations. In addition, new employees may be resistant or take time to adopt the organizational culture, which hinders establishing an inclusive environment. Notably, “resistance to change has had a significant impact on integration” (Tally and Jotter, 2021, p.165). It has affected the integration of diverse employees, affecting their transition to their roles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Research Problem

The advantage of the research problem and question is that they seek to address one of the most prevalent challenges that have affected productivity in most organizations. The research question is integral to the functionality of organizations because diversity is a common element in the current world. According to Harriet and Willis (2020), “Addressing the problem will enhance productivity, employee retention, and work satisfaction” (p.82). The disadvantage of the research problem and question is that it does not address other factors like leadership style or establishing an inclusive working environment. The potential limitation of the study is a primary focus on the teaching profession. Overall, the study does not consider the advantages of a lack of diversity.



Harriet, D. and Willis, B. (2020). Workplace diversity and changes.  Equality and workplace: diversity.  An International Journal, 34(14), 79-85. doi.org/10.1207/EDI-01-2020-0050

Tally, M. and Jotter, Z. (2021). Workplace diversity: Emerging issues.  Implementing Stratgries.    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,16(12), 162-169. http://dx.doi.org/12.3207/ICSFT/v10-i2/9764


esearch Topic of Interest: High Turnover Rate Among College Student Affairs Professionals

Summary & Justification of Problem:

The field of College Student Affairs (CSA) is unique in that these professionals are not bound by the traditional 9 am – 5 pm workweek or a concrete job description. CSA professionals are expected to shape and enhance the college experience through engagement opportunities, academic and professional development, emotional support, guidance, and more (Chessman, 2021). The field itself is ever-changing, and it can often be difficult to predict the day-to-day responsibilities in one’s role. Even if there is an established plan of action, daily tasks are shaped by the needs of the students which cannot always be predicted. Given the variety of hats worn by these professionals, it is no surprise that many of these employees report feelings of high stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue (Leppert & Mitchell, 2022). There is extensive literature about the problems faced by CSA professionals, their overall job satisfaction, and turnover trends in the profession.

Problem Statement 

Despite these research efforts, the problem is that there is minimal evidence surrounding what  tactics are most effective to combat these issues.

Research has now shifted to investigate the overall well-being of CSA professionals, which traditionally was not a topic of interest in the field. These studies aim to gain understanding about factors such as subjective well-being, psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction (Chessman, 2021). However, many of these studies are preliminary, and only offer mere recommendations to address these problems.

Advantages, Disadvantages, & Potential Limitations 

The high turnover rates in this profession are cause for concern for many higher education institutions. CSA professionals are leaving the profession at an alarming rate and similar trends can be seen in the teaching profession. With CSA professionals offering a supplemental role to educators, if these trends continue, the future of higher education is at stake, with the greatest impacts being felt by the students. Now that research has taken an interest in better understanding the problems within the field, there is a clear need to investigate feasible and effective solutions.

If studies can demonstrate support for cost-effective, practical ways in which higher education institutions can better support their faculty, it is likely that these turnover trends will change. It is one thing to notice a problem and its cause, but the problem cannot ever be fixed without the investigation of solutions. If these solutions can be tested and backed by evidence, there is a higher likelihood for more institutions to implement these policies and take a step toward fixing the true problem. If the core issues, such as burnout and lack of employee well-being, are addressed, turnover rates will likely decrease, thus allowing for the best outcome for both CSA professionals and the students that they serve.

The main disadvantage with implementing these studies primarily impacts the higher education institutions themselves. Resources will be necessary to employ these solutions, such as time, funding, and training/education. The field inherently makes work-life balance and employee well-being daunting tasks, and solutions may require the hiring of additional employees. There may be resistance from higher education institutions, either due to principle or lack of adequate resources.

There are limitations associated with studies of this nature, as they rely on employee participation and honesty. Some employees may be too busy to participate, giving an inaccurate representation of the field. These individuals are likely the people that would provide the most accurate data, but it is highly probable that participation may not be feasible for all. Additionally, these studies would rely on honest feedback. Many individuals may minimize their true perceptions of the field, either due to extended exposure or normalization of these feelings in the field, as well as fear of retaliation from their superiors. These studies would have to be well-structured and clearly explained to employees for the best chance of success.


Chessman, H. (2021). Student Affairs professionals, well-being, and work quality.  Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(2), 148-162. doi: 10.1080/19496592.2020.1853556.

Leppert, A. & Mitchell, A. (2022). Creating sustainable careers in Student Affairs: What ideal worker norms get wrong and how to make it right.  Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention, 29(1).

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