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Post #1 Reply to Alia

 I used the Body Systems Category Sheet for my SOAP notes since the beginning of this rotation. It helped me to stay organized and choose SOAP notes in different populations that I needed from the patients I had seen previously during the week. I need to prioritize women and pediatric patients prior to program completed. The current clinic I am at does not see patients under 14 years-of-age, so I have no hands-on experience yet with small children as a Nurse Practitioner student. I was only able to perform one women’s gynecological exam as well during this initial rotation. I am currently working with my clinical coordinator at the OFE on approving a new preceptor at a much busier clinical site. I was able to meet with the new preceptor for lunch and she verbalized that I will be able to suture, perform more gynecological exams, and get to see a lot of pediatric patients. I am looking forward to starting with her on my 3rd clinical rotation as the paperwork won’t be finalized until then. In the meantime, I will continue with my current preceptor for the 2nd round.  

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