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100 word response 1 reference due 5/20/2023


 After taking a glance at how schools were 80 years ago, schools have changed tremendously. They have gone from segregated to integrated, from a single use of pen and paper to teaching students with digital technology such as transforming from chalkboards to Smart Boards, notebooks have been replaced with laptops, and the impact of COVID-19. However, since Covid-19, the use of technology in the classroom has been one of the most significant changes in all aspects of education. Nevertheless, with the use of computers, tablets, and smartboards being so common in the classrooms across the world, technology has greatly enhanced both learning and teacher effectiveness, as well as  establishing an aim to bridging gaps in students learning. Although it has taken years to get us to where we are now globally, during the past two weeks, 5 key point that has resonated with me after reading different articles and listening to videos were, the power of innovation in teachers inside of the classroom, the benefits of education, a deeper sense digital learning, what students should know in the 21st century, and some to the problems we faced getting to where we are today with the curriculum being out dated.

            Through reading and reflecting on these key points, my thinking has changed from the sense of how I learned in a more traditional setting, using paper , pencil, dictionaries ,and encyclopedia to access information versus the way the world is set with new  innovation of technology; where one can learn with choice of being inside the classroom or from distant or remote learning. Within the 21st century era  using technology, it increases student engagement, creativity, productivity, a better way to differentiate instructions, and improve the overall academic success in learning. Per Sheninger (2019) he express how the use of online space can keep students, teachers, stakeholders, administrators engaged and ample access to the internet, increasing communication and discussion. (p.5) With this being said, it has allowed teacher and administrators the opportunity to enhance their pedagogical aspect of how students learn and the way they learn. Although education and technology are still in a race, it is equally important that as the world constantly changes, we change with it.  I really feel that with Covid -19, it galvanized an era that force many people to get with rest of the world and bring in a sense of deeper and relevant learning.

           In addition to the key points, technology has impacted the world, I will share with my colleagues’ how the history on education from 80 years ago differ from the way we see the world today. Some obstacles and challenges we faced as we began to shift with the invention of technology was financial instability, outdated curriculum, technological disruption and uncertainty pushing us further back in the outdated era. However, with this new found knowledge, I will share with my colleagues how much power we now have and how we can transform the ways we thought about learning using technology.  For example, with a struggling learner, there are many different programs that we can use to tailor the instruction to fit the learner’s needs. Implementing technology into lessons can really make a difference and enhance learning opportunities, relevance, foster collaboration and curiosity, giving teachers quicker access to student performance and feedback all while providing students with greater autonomy in their own learning and creativity. Per Albert Einstein (2020) “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” Therefore, we must reassess knowledge for relevance to bring us current and developing lifelong learning because we cannot stay current if we don’t see the need to adapt to current change.

           In my current practice, I would change how we build teacher capacity and retention meaning that I would provide more teacher support to keep them in a remain in the field of teaching. For example, providing more modeling and scaffolding, and resources in addition to professional development workshops to provide teachers with meaningful and professional opportunities. This would provide teachers with more control in delivery in instruction and passion for teaching and developing more creativity, voice and choice in student learning in their preferred content area. Per John Spencer, (2023) the future of educators can be found in the classroom through experience. Meanwhile, as a recommendation to my leader, I would express how we need more funding for teacher resources, and strategies to increase collaboration through technologies that will enhance the learning environment. I would also take time to learn more about online, professional development and how to foster student engagement strategies that will encourage parental support.  Thus, what shocked me the most about the things I learned in these two weeks were the amount of learning and exposure students’ loss due to the pandemic. As result teachers had to develop alternative ways to educate students after the pandemic, which put us further behind. Therefore, traditional teaching and learning had become a thing of the past whether we were ready or not in order to adjust to the change. As teacher, I was inspired because it opened a new perception of innovation and creativity when it came to provide what was necessary and beneficial for the overall development of my students. My greatest challenge would be to get the administrative team to buy in to my vision of transforming the old for the new era of 21st Century learning.

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