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100 word response 1 reference Due 5/20/2023


 My goal as an elementary school educator is to offer each of my children the finest educational experience possible. After giving some thought to the questions posed, I've reached a few conclusions. Differentiation, inquiry-based learning, collaboration, genuine assessment, and social-emotional learning are five fundamental ideas that really hit home with me. First and foremost, differentiation is crucial because it allows me to cater to my pupils' individual learning styles and ensures that they all succeed to the best of their abilities. Second, students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities are developed through inquiry-based learning because it promotes active exploration and discovery of knowledge through questioning and investigation (Hess, 2023). Third, students' cooperation skills are developed, and the learning environment is enriched by the students' active sharing of ideas and viewpoints. The fourth and final principle is authentic assessment, which evaluates students' knowledge and skills in relevant, real-world settings. Last but not least, social-emotional education is fundamental to developing children’s emotional intelligence and fostering their well-being.

        This new knowledge has caused a profound shift in my way of thinking. I now see the value of tailoring lessons to each student and encouraging them to take charge of their education. I can make learning more interesting and relevant by responding to their individual needs and inspiring their natural curiosity. In addition, I've realized the need to make SEL a top priority for both academic success and students' well-being as a whole. I cannot wait to tell my coworkers about this important information. We can all become better educators by starting conversations and encouraging introspection. We can create a more welcoming and productive classroom by having open conversations about how to better meet the needs of our children. With this new information in hand, I intend to modify my methods to include more forms of differentiation in the classroom (Hess, 2023). I can help all of my students succeed by tailoring my lessons to their individual needs and strengths. The development of students' social and emotional competencies will be a top priority of mine, so I want to incorporate mindfulness activities and give them ample time to practice their interpersonal skills. With these alterations, every child in the classroom will feel more welcome and supported.

       I plan to suggest some changes that our administration can make to improve the classroom atmosphere where I work. First, I propose expanding teachers' knowledge of differentiation, inquiry-based learning, and social-emotional development through professional development opportunities. Educators can more effectively apply techniques in their classrooms if they are equipped with the knowledge and abilities to do so. Second, I'll suggest giving funds to encourage students to work together to study and to apply authentic assessment methods. If we equip classrooms with useful resources, we can foster an atmosphere that promotes curiosity and participation (Hess, 2023). I recognize the importance of trauma-informed techniques and am dedicated to expanding my knowledge in this area. It is crucial to recognize the effects of trauma on students and employ techniques to build a nurturing learning environment. I hope that by learning more in this field, I will be able to help students who have struggled emotionally as well as academically.

       The most shocking thing I learned was the depth of the educational gap between students of different socioeconomic backgrounds. It was discouraging to learn that not all children, regardless of family income or cultural background, get the same quality education. This insight strengthens my resolve to combat these disparities and promote equal access to education for all children. The stories I heard about educators who introduced novel, student-centered methods into their classes really struck me as inspiring. Their accounts of how they improved their childrens' educational experiences demonstrated the enormous influence that committed teachers can have on the development of young brains (Hess, 2023). Their achievements encourage me to keep pushing for improvement in my own work and serve as a reminder of the transformational potential of education. With these fresh perspectives in mind, I can't wait to push my teaching to new heights of student engagement and development. I cannot wait to talk about this with other educators and build on their expertise to improve my own teaching methods.

        In addition, this drives me to lobby for improvements to the classroom climate at my school. Differentiation, inquiry-based learning, and social-emotional learning are three areas that I believe our school leaders should prioritize when planning future professional development opportunities for our teachers. The best way to ensure that all children benefit from engaging and accessible learning experiences is to engage in the professional development of our educators. In addition, I will advocate for the provision of means to facilitate genuine assessment procedures and group-based educational opportunities. Teacher success in using these tactics and developing dynamic, engaging lessons depends on their access to the resources they require, such as technology and manipulatives. My commitment to self-improvement includes expanding my knowledge of trauma-informed approaches. To this end, I plan to educate myself further on the subject of how traumatic experiences affect students' capacity to learn and flourish and to adopt practices that foster a nurturing atmosphere in the classroom. By learning more about this topic, I can better help children who have struggled overcome their obstacles by showing them compassion and empathy.

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