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Response to discussion 2


1. Using the “New Leader Onboarding Road Map” discuss your strategy for your first 90 days on the job.

For the first 90 days of the school year, it's critical to establish a clear vision. The school's principal needs to be able to explain his goals to the staff, pupils, and community members. A supportive school culture can be developed via collaboration and open communication with all stakeholders. High standards for academic performance and assistance for struggling students can also help enhance student results. In the 1st Ninety days there will be a series of meetings with Assistant administration and school department heads to assess the needs of the faculty as well as the students (2015). Discussions and expectations will be delivered through policy and procedure manuals. Every staff member will be clear a duties and roles to ensure the progression and safety of all students and staff members.

2. Discuss the importance of building effective relationships with superiors.

It's critical to establish strong working connections with superiors in order to win their respect and obtain access to more significant prospects for career development. The article written by Douglas Ready, discusses how an inclusive work environment shows continuous development (Ready 2019). Making ensuring that everyone is on the same page and cooperating can also be achieved through good communication and collaboration with superiors. Together, they can strive toward the same objectives, improving the school's results.

3. Discuss the importance of building effective relationships with peers and provide two elements on how you plan to establish and maintain good peer relationships.

Building effective relationships with your peers can help you create a positive work environment. This type of relationship with peers can help form strong bonds. This also creates a peaceful work environment. Additionally, establishing positive relationships with your coworkers might aid to open new vistas and improve task comprehension. Networking requires relationships. New chances for development—personal and professional—are made available by this. As a principal, I would communicate with my teachers daily to make sure they had everything they needed to succeed.

4. Define Theory Y. How would you practice a Theory Y attitude?

Theory Y is a management theory that contends that individuals are inherently driven to work and seek out responsibility and challenge in their employment. This idea makes the supposition that workers are capable of self-control and self-direction. They have the capacity for both creativity and innovation at work. Theory Y-aligned managers frequently foster more participative and collaborative work settings. They encourage employees to take ownership of their work and to contribute their ideas and insights to the organization. Douglas McGregor’s idea of Theory Y ultimately was developed to help improve motivation within the workplace. It was stated that although the ideology behind Theory Y may be outdate, the idea can still be applied to work environments today (2021).

How would you practice a Theory Y attitude?To practice Theory Y, one should start by assuming that your employees are capable, motivated, and want to do their best work. This means giving them autonomy and encouraging them to take ownership of their work rather than micromanaging the workers. Additionally, employees should have opportunities for growth and responsibilities. By creating a Theory Y attitude, managers can create a more positive and productive work environment.

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