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As a way of introducing yourself to the instructor and your peers, please create a draft of your self-introduction full-speech outline (also known as full-sentence). You will submit a final draft with your Self-Introduction Speech recording, also due as this week’s assignment.
Your post should be written in a full-speech outline format, and should introduce yourself to the class. To prepare the outline, use the “Example Self-Introduction Full-Sentence Outline” shown in the document attached below. Your outline should have enough content to deliver a 3-5 minute self-introduction speech. This outline should include the following:
Body with transitions between main points
Example Self-Introduction Full-Sentence Outline Download Example Self-Introduction Full-Sentence Outline download [Word Document]
Note: This outline will be due for final grading with your Self-Introduction Speech. Please consider the feedback you receive and decide how to use it to improve your outline before submitting the final version with your speech by Sunday night
A little information about myself:
I would like a career information Technology
I am a husband and a father of 3
I am a contract worker
I have lived most of my adult life outside of America
I enjoy working out spending as much time with family
Any and everything you can add will be welcomed

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